Are you suffering from enlarged blood vessels on your face? What is behind their formation?

It may not just be genetics behind the problem of dilated coils. The factors that increase their occurrence will be explained by dermatologist Alexandra Rozborilová.

Have you noticed that tiny red spots have started to appear on your face? This way, not only embarrassment, but also dilated blood vessels may be reported. They are most commonly found in the nose and cheek area. Their shade ranges from red to a lilac color. Mostly they begin to appear between the ages of thirty and forty.

“Dilated facial coils are also referred to by the term telangiectasia. They arise as a result of weakening of the walls of small blood vessels that are located just below the surface of the skin. Genetics plays a significant role in their formation, but it is not the only triggering factor,” explains the dermatologist MUDr. Alexandra Rozborilová, PhD. “Overexposure to the sun, extreme temperatures, changes in hormonal levels, alcohol, smoking and stress also contribute to their formation. Even if you have a genetic predisposition to develop them, lifestyle and environmental influences exacerbate their occurrence.” Skin type can also play an important role. From the occasional persistent More often, dilated coils occur in people with thin, sensitive or fair skin. They also typically appear in skin conditions such as rosacea, which causes increased sensitivity of the blood vessels. In this case, the occasional redness gradually becomes permanent. In the later stages, pimples and pustules also begin to appear on the face. If the problem is not addressed, it grows into unaesthetic nodules and thickening of the sebaceous glands, which is also referred to as cauliflower nose. In the case of rosacea, however, it is a chronic skin disease. Is the winter worse? Both seasons of the year can be problematic for dilated coil problems. “Both extremely cold and extremely hot weather can worsen their condition. The cold air causes the blood vessels to constrict and then stretch, which gradually weakens them. In summer, intense sunlight and heat cause the blood vessels to dilate excessively,” explains the dermatologist. Enlarged coils are not a purely female affair. “Although they are slightly more common in women, mainly due to hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, menopause or the use of contraceptive pills, men are not immune to their occurrence. Especially if they have a genetic predisposition or lead a lifestyle that encourages their formation,” explains the dermatologist.
Coils do not like:
  • exposure to sunlight
  • sipping alcoholic beverages
  • smoking
  • eating overly spicy and pungent foods
  • hot soups and drinks
  • stress
  • steaming, hot bath or sauna
Rather show them Count on the fact that dilated coils become more visible with age. It’s natural. “The skin gradually thins and loses elasticity, causing them to become more prominent. In addition, as we age, the blood vessel walls weaken and the skin’s natural renewal is disrupted. All this leads to a higher incidence of these visible blood vessels,” explains the experienced expert. Already at the first signs, you’d better visit a dermatologist. He or she will assess the extent of the problem as well as the possible causes. “Early treatment can prevent further aggravation of the condition. Although enlarged coils are not a serious health problem in themselves, they can signal the presence of rosacea or other skin diseases that require treatment,” encourages Dr. Alexandra Rozborilova to visit a specialist.

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Make yourself or a loved one happy with a gift voucher for the Esthetic Clinic worth from 100 € to 3 000 €. Clinic of plastic surgery, aesthetic medicine and laser medicine in the centre of Bratislava with a twenty-year history.

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Confidence in beauty: at the Esthetic Clinic you will find the highest level of service

If you start to focus on some deficiency of yours, that’s the moment you should come. Eliminate what’s fixable and turn your attention to positive things, says Alexandra Rozborilova, director of the Esthetic Clinic. For 20 years, it has been offering solutions for beautiful and healthy skin at the highest level. The proof is the loyal clients and the expertise, which is respected even abroad.

Nowadays, many of us get lost in the plethora of trends and questionable information about aesthetic procedures. Finding a professional you can trust is more important than ever. At the Bratislava corrective dermatology and plastic surgery clinic Esthetic, not only will they provide you with a wide range of treatments under one roof, but they will also make sure that every procedure is the right one and tailored to your needs. The clinic is headed by Alexandra Rozborilova, MD, PhD, a renowned dermatologist who, along with her team, delivers comprehensive skin and health care. The clinic is also a training center for physicians, which only underscores its commitment to the highest level of expertise. Betting on the best“Trust between doctor and patient accounts for more than 50 percent of the final effect,” says Dr. Sandra Rozborilova. “We have been trying to build that trust for many years. We have gone through different trends and revolutionary methods, so we can look at some innovations with a detached attitude.” Esthetic focuses on a comprehensive approach, from the acne-prone skin of teenagers to the mature skin of octogenarian clients. The answer is invasive and non-invasive treatments, skin doctor treatments to plastic surgeon services. State-of-the-art equipment and an individual approach guarantee quality.

“Sometimes the latest is not the best. What’s best is what’s most appropriate for the client,” explains Dr. Rozborilová, who is considered a pioneer in the field of botulinum toxin application and an expert in laser medicine not only in this country, but also abroad. That is why Esthetic is a highly regarded training centre where doctors from Slovakia and abroad learn the latest procedures of aesthetic medicine. The founder of the clinic is extremely proud to be part of many international researches and to participate in prestigious dermatological congresses, where the latest methods in dermatology and plastic surgery are presented. Less painful, more effective and with a much shorter healing time. Comprehensiveness above all The Esthetic Clinic is not only about beauty, but also about skin health. Of course they will inject you with botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid at the most expert level, smooth wrinkles, hydrate your skin, firm your body and help with rosacea, unwanted tattoos or excessive body hair, but we at Eve would also love to highlight their incredible expertise in the field of skin treatments. After all, how many of us have problems that we can’t deal with at home, how many of us suddenly develop the odd mole or ugly growth? “Over the last two years, we have seen a significant expansion in the range of medical procedures we can perform,” explains clinic manager Marek Sýkora. We pride ourselves on the continuous education of our staff, says Marek Sýkora.

“We deal with skin diseases, sexually transmitted diseases and we also provide diagnosis and treatment for various health problems, which makes us different from conventional aesthetic centres. We can use lasers or surgery to reverse the aesthetic and health effects of accidents, injuries or burns. We pride ourselves on the fact that patients receive comprehensive treatment with us, and within our expertise, multiple colleagues from different disciplines can refer patients as needed. From initial diagnosis to the most advanced plastic surgery solutions.” The Aesthetic Clinic helps people regain their self-confidence, for example with hair transplants. “We’ve been doing it for 20 years and we’ve seen a huge increase in interest. We’re getting beautiful results not only with men, but also with the addition of women’s eyebrows.”

Esthetic also has a great track record with eyelid, ear, nose, liposuction and labioplasty surgeries. Experts rejoice that while these things used to be kept secret, now satisfied clients are happy to show them off. This is due to the influence of social media, and so increasingly younger patients are craving a change in appearance. This makes it all the more important to guide them professionally. Dr Rozborilova still sticks to her conservative approach: “We aim for a combination of techniques that allow a conservative path without the need for surgical intervention. My ambition is to guide women so that they do not need to undergo surgical interventions, which I admit I am afraid of. Of course, I do not condemn them, because we have one of the most renowned plastic surgery centres in the country.” This approach leads to natural and healthy beauty, which is a priority for the Esthetic Clinic. It is a place where beauty is combined with professionalism, innovation and individual care, regardless of age. Under one roofAt the Esthetic Clinic for Corrective Dermatology and Plastic Surgery in Bratislava, they not only provide you with a wide range of treatments under one roof, but also make sure that every procedure is the right one and tailored to your needs.

What does the Esthetic Clinic offer?
  • Laser treatments including fractional CO2 laser for scars, wrinkles and pigmentation, IPL laser for coils, pigmentation and acne, Q-switch laser for tattoo removal and ResurFx for scars and stretch marks
  • Skin examinations, infusion treatment tailored to the patient
  • Trichological examinations, examinations for venereal diseases, allergies and intolerances, epicutaneous tests
  • Hair transplants for both men and women, including eyebrow and chin transplants
  • Plastic surgeries such as face lift, eyelid, ear or nose surgery and liposuction
  • Microneedle radiofrequency and ultraformer for non-invasive lifting, treatment of nail mycoses
  • Botulinum toxin treatments and hyaluronic acid fillers for a youthful appearance
  • Removal of skin imperfections including moles, warts, keratoses and fibromas by laser or surgery
  • Hydrating and regenerating skin treatments such as aquafacial, skinbooster, mesotherapy and plasma therapy
  • Treatment of acne and rosacea
  • Expert consultations with health professionals


Fractional CO2 laser wrinkle treatment

Get rid of wrinkles and renew your skin with fractional CO2 laser! This advanced technology stimulates collagen production, softens fine lines and deeper wrinkles, and improves skin texture. The result? More youthful, firmer and smoother skin. An excellent solution for those looking for an effective non-invasive rejuvenation method. Contact us for more information or a consultation! After fractional CO2 laser treatment, healing takes place in several stages:1. First hours – Inflammatory phase:

Immediately after the procedure, the skin will be red, swollen and a slight burning sensation may appear, similar to the sensation after sunburn. This phase is a natural reaction to the laser damage to the skin, which stimulates regeneration and new cell formation. Cooling the skin and applying moisturizing or soothing products prescribed by the doctor is recommended to alleviate these symptoms.

2. 1. – 3. deň – Regenerácia vrchnej vrstvy kože:

The skin begins to darken and fine peeling may appear. This is a sign that old, damaged skin is gradually being replaced by new cells. It is important to avoid mechanical peeling of the skin and to follow recommendations for moisturizing and protecting the skin from UV rays.

3. 4. – 7. deň – Tvorba nového kolagénu:

During this phase, new collagen begins to form intensively in the deeper layers of the skin. The skin will still be sensitive, but its texture and firmness will begin to improve significantly. Visible improvements in wrinkles and skin texture will begin to be noticeable.

4. 2. – 4. týždeň – Prestavba pleti:

During this period, healing on the outside is almost completely finished, but the process of renewal in the deeper layers of the skin continues. Increasing collagen production leads to further smoothing of wrinkles and firming of the skin.

5. 3. – 6. mesiac – Konečný výsledok:

The full effect of the treatment will not become apparent until several months after the procedure. The skin is visibly smoother, more youthful and wrinkles are reduced. This long-lasting result is due to the continued production of collagen, which keeps the skin firmer and more elastic.

Proper aftercare is important – avoiding direct sun exposure, using quality moisturizers, and following your specialist’s instructions for optimal results. We currently have a good discount on the treatment. If you buy your first treatment now, you will get your second treatment at a 50% discount*! * Valid for full face treatment

I want to order

    List of procedures and examinations

    [select menu-zaktok include_blank wpml_dq_attr_2=""Bezplatná konzultácia" "Beautylizer" "Konzultácia estetická medicína" "Konzultácia plastická chirurgia" "Konzultácia dermatolovenerologická ambulancia" "Konzultácia pred transplantáciou vlasov (FUE)" "Vyšetrenie znamienok" "Trichologické vyšetrenie" "Odber krvi" "Aplikácia kyseliny hyalurónovej" "Aplikácia botulotoxínu" "Aplikácia tekutých nití" "Niťový lifting" "Mezoterapia" "Skinbooster" "Mezobotox" "Laser IPL (liečba akné, pigmentácii)" "Laser Clarity (odstránenie cievok, pigmentácií, depilácia)" "Laser FOX (liečba plesne na nechtoch)" "Laser CO2 (odstránenie znamienok, bradavíc, kondylómov, výrastkov)" "Frakčný laser" "VelaShape (odstránenie celulitídy)" "Odstránenie pigmentácii" "Odstránenie cievok" "Analýza pleti" "Aquafacial" "Profacial" "Aquaspectra" "Chemický peeling" "Antiakné ošetrenie" "Lymfodrenáž" "Rázová vlna" "Mikrodermabrázia" "Kozmetické ošetrenie" "Liečba LED svetlom" "Iné ošetrenie"]

    Laser scar and stretch mark removal

    50% discount on the second treatment
    • Effective wrinkle smoothing
    • Reduction of scars and stretch marks
    • Unification of skin tone and removal of hyperpigmentation
    • Improving skin texture and firmness
    50% discount on the second treatment

    I want to order

      List of procedures and examinations

      [select menu-zaktok include_blank wpml_dq_attr_2=""Bezplatná konzultácia" "Beautylizer" "Konzultácia estetická medicína" "Konzultácia plastická chirurgia" "Konzultácia dermatolovenerologická ambulancia" "Konzultácia pred transplantáciou vlasov (FUE)" "Vyšetrenie znamienok" "Trichologické vyšetrenie" "Odber krvi" "Aplikácia kyseliny hyalurónovej" "Aplikácia botulotoxínu" "Aplikácia tekutých nití" "Niťový lifting" "Mezoterapia" "Skinbooster" "Mezobotox" "Laser IPL (liečba akné, pigmentácii)" "Laser Clarity (odstránenie cievok, pigmentácií, depilácia)" "Laser FOX (liečba plesne na nechtoch)" "Laser CO2 (odstránenie znamienok, bradavíc, kondylómov, výrastkov)" "Frakčný laser" "VelaShape (odstránenie celulitídy)" "Odstránenie pigmentácii" "Odstránenie cievok" "Analýza pleti" "Aquafacial" "Profacial" "Aquaspectra" "Chemický peeling" "Antiakné ošetrenie" "Lymfodrenáž" "Rázová vlna" "Mikrodermabrázia" "Kozmetické ošetrenie" "Liečba LED svetlom" "Iné ošetrenie"]

      How to moisturize your skin after summer?

      Re-hydrate your skin and prepare it for the winter season! Exposure of the skin to the sun causing vitamin D synthesis is beneficial to our health, but exposure to UV rays, chlorine, sea water can have a negative impact on the skin, in the form of dehydration, pigment spots, acne and premature wrinkles, i.e. aging of the skin. Sweat, increased humidity in the air and external factors clog pores. Dehydration of the skin manifests itself in a taut, dull appearance, often times in the fall patients experience worsening acne or eczema.

      Skin hydration is important all year round and is the key to healthy and radiant looking skin. The first basic rule is a proper lifestyle rich in vitamins, especially zinc, biotin, omega 3, vitamin C and sufficient drinking.

      The second basic rule is to have a proper home care set up. In the morning and evening, wash your skin with a moisturizing facial gel and then prepare it for the application of active ingredients in cosmetics. In the morning, we use a vitamin C dominated serum ( ACE serum by Doctor Sandra), which acts as an antioxidant in our skin and prevents premature aging. Any type of skin needs hydration in the form of a day cream containing ceramides that rebuild our skin barrier hyaluronic acid retains moisture in the skin. Dr. Sandra’s 24 hour cream is suitable for all skin types and pleasant to use daily.

      Let’s not put off SPF creams just yet either! We should use them all year round. If we want to give our skin an extra dose of hydration, we should put ourselves in the hands of professionals. Facials like Aquafacial, Aquaspectra, or Profacial are an excellent first step to clear, professionally treated skin and represent professional dermatological care for every skin type. The treatments are painless and can be completed year-round.

      With the help of lactic or salicylic acid, the skin will be exfoliated, the pores deeply cleansed, hydrated thanks to hyaluronic acid and tightened thanks to the final radiofrequency. Chemical peels in the form of BioRePeel or Retinol peel will rid us of the layer of dead cells after sun damage and the skin will look radiant and healthy.

      One of the most popular treatments in aesthetics is the Skinbooster. By injecting uncross-linked hylauronic acid in a fine gel form into the subcutaneous tissue, we achieve significantly improved skin elasicity, hydration and overall “GLOW”.

      Mesotherapy is an excellent choice whether during or after the summer. Vitamins, peptides, minerals and hyaluronic acid restore the skin’s moisture, stimulate collagen production, or facial mesotherapy with vitamin C also combats hyperpigmentation, which plagues us more after summer.

      The globally popular and well-known Draculotherapy, resp. Plasmotherapy is applied by tiny injections into the subcutaneous tissue, where the growth factors contained in the plasma together with hyluronic acid trigger a natural healing process in the skin and at the same time rejuvenate it.

      Properly adjusted skin care belongs in the hands of professionals. Every skin requires individual care and as they say, sometimes less is more. On the contrary, the wrong combination of products can harm our skin and perhaps just a small change in our routine can be the path to healthy and juicy skin.

      V Shape (VelaShape III) – cellulite treatment

      10. treatments worth 800 € / save 100 € / The latest method to get rid of cellulite.
      Body shaping and volume reduction. 10. treatments worth 800 € / Save 100 € Package of treatments valid for 1 year from purchase

      I want to order

        List of procedures and examinations

        [select menu-zaktok include_blank wpml_dq_attr_2=""Bezplatná konzultácia" "Beautylizer" "Konzultácia estetická medicína" "Konzultácia plastická chirurgia" "Konzultácia dermatolovenerologická ambulancia" "Konzultácia pred transplantáciou vlasov (FUE)" "Vyšetrenie znamienok" "Trichologické vyšetrenie" "Odber krvi" "Aplikácia kyseliny hyalurónovej" "Aplikácia botulotoxínu" "Aplikácia tekutých nití" "Niťový lifting" "Mezoterapia" "Skinbooster" "Mezobotox" "Laser IPL (liečba akné, pigmentácii)" "Laser Clarity (odstránenie cievok, pigmentácií, depilácia)" "Laser FOX (liečba plesne na nechtoch)" "Laser CO2 (odstránenie znamienok, bradavíc, kondylómov, výrastkov)" "Frakčný laser" "VelaShape (odstránenie celulitídy)" "Odstránenie pigmentácii" "Odstránenie cievok" "Analýza pleti" "Aquafacial" "Profacial" "Aquaspectra" "Chemický peeling" "Antiakné ošetrenie" "Lymfodrenáž" "Rázová vlna" "Mikrodermabrázia" "Kozmetické ošetrenie" "Liečba LED svetlom" "Iné ošetrenie"]