Exkluzívne s MUDr. Alexandrou Rozborilovou, PhD. o kyseline hyalurónovej

Často sa u mojich klientov stretávam s otázkou, koľko stojí ml kyseliny HA, prípadne koľko stojí daný zákrok v danej lokalite.
Na túto otázku som sa naučila odpovedať, ze 1ml kyseliny HA zakúpenej od oficiálneho distribútora stojí 6 rokov lekárskej fakulty, stojí nadstavbové post doktorandské štúdium, stojí stáž vo Viedni, stojí XY medzinárodných kongresov a workshopov každý rok a stojí 20 rokov mojej praxe. Toto je suma za aplikáciu kyseliny hyalurónovej. Chodia k nám klientky s tým, že absolvovali zákrok v kozmetickom salóne, minule som mala klientku, ktorá absolvovala zákrok na pedikúre!!! – vygooglili si tzv. „akciu“, kedy podstúpili aplikáciu botulotoxínu alebo kyseliny hyalurónovej mimo zdravotnického zariadenia. zvacsenie pier
Na tomto celom ma zaráža, resp. doslova straší jedna vec; Ja ako lekárka s 20 ročnou praxou pristupujem k tomuto zákroku s maximálnym rešpektom, pretože viem, aké komplikácie zákrok môže privodiť bez ohľadu na to, že pracujeme s tými najkvalitnejšími materiálmi od oficiálnych certifikovaných distribútorov.
Pre vysvetlenie; ak chce niekto kúpiť kyselinu HA musí byť lekár, musí mať zdravotnícke zariadnie a v takomto prípade mu distribučná firma s poverením zahraničnej firmy, ktorá prípravok vyrába, môže predať kyselinu hyalurónovú. Firmy, ktoré predávajú tieto výplňové materiály sú veľmi prísne regulované, sú kontrolované štátom, musia splniť veľa zákonných podmienok podľa stanovenej legislatívny – cez skladovanie, odborný garant a pod. Každý ml kyseliny HA je veľmi prísne sledovaný od momentu výroby až po moment aplikácie. Lekár, ktorý aplikuje látku, sa môže obrátiť na medzinárodné tímy, ktoré mu  – v prípade komplikácie – vedia poradiť prípadnú liečbu. Je mi jasné, že prípravky aplikované v kozmetických salónoch, nemôžu pochádzať od oficiálnych distribútorov a pochádzajú z tzv. šedého trhu – z internetu. Sú to častokrát ázijské produkty – obdobne ako napr. kabelky Louis Vuitton – toto je veľmi podobné, akurát s tým rozdielom, že si to nechávajú klientky aplikovať do vlastného organizmu.
S istotou vieme, bohužiaľ, povedať, že nevieme, čo sa v danej ampulke nachádza a ako daný materiál zareaguje s kožou. Toto, prosím, neberte ako výstrahu, toto je len informácia z môjho odborného pohľadu. V mojej ordinácii sa s tým stretávam veľmi často, nakoľko mnohé klientky prídu už s komlikáciami po podaní danej látky.

What to do for anti-cellulite creams to work? Len v TOMTO prípade sa jej naozaj zbavíte!

Do you put on make-up regularly, but cellulite and the tire on your belly do not disappear as quickly as you would like? We asked the expert what you need to do to make sure that the anti-orange skin creams, stretch mark creams and slimming products work to their maximum. Any use of anti-cellulite creams and slimming products only makes sense as a prevention of cellulite, explains dermatologist Alexandra Rozborilová. However, the renowned expert does not reject their use, because she sees their main importance in the way they are applied – by massage. And this is the biggest effect of these creams, according to her.

“However, I do not deny that some ingredients in creams can improve blood circulation in the area and thus improve lymph drainage, because cellulite is caused by slowed lymph drainage and the subsequent accumulation of fat cells in the interstitial spaces, which creates an orange skin effect. So any preparation that bloods the locality, and subsequent massaging has a certain effect. The question is what percentage effect we can talk about, because with cellulite we always consider genetic factors, lifestyle and hormonal factors. For every woman, because cellulite affects us exclusively, a different component carries more weight. For some, genetics is more important, for others hormonal imbalance or lifestyle. And if we start from this combination, we will find that cellulite is to a certain extent in our hands as well. With a good lifestyle, we can at least slow it down, although not eliminate it completely.”

Therefore, the renowned dermatologist speaks rather about preventing the development of a higher stage of the orange skin effect. “I recommend a lot of exercise, especially walking. Walk at least five kilometres a day, or 10 thousand steps, get enough fluids and other aids that improve lymphatic and overall venous blood flow. In addition to walking, any massage, putting your feet up, wearing looser clothing will help. The narrow one prevents fluid drainage.”

What to rely on?

MUDr. Rozborilová has one cheap and very effective trick – alternating hot and cold showers. “It has a great effect on the wall of the blood vessels.” She advises using creams especially during pregnancy, puberty or menopause, when the body’s hormones are in a state of hormonal detuning. “That’s when women tend to put on weight quite quickly.” And here we come to the issue of stretch marks. “Once they appear, they are very difficult to remove, with a difficult laser procedure, even partially. So I recommend prevention instead. Keeping your weight down during the tricky periods of a woman’s cycle, and slathering on a nourishing oily cream that contains vitamin E, because this has been proven to improve skin quality. ”

Okay then, we will use the creams as a great massage aid and orange skin prevention. But what pro treatments does the owner of a well-known beauty clinic advise after they open their doors? “Usually lymphatic drainage based treatments work, but it’s only an auxiliary method. When a client decides to invest money in her body, she should combine the sessions with five kilometres of walking and a drinking regime. Don’t overeat sugary and salty foods.” And of the devices that work, Alexandra Rozborilova recommends a combination of lymphatic drainage and radiofrequency with skin stimulation to act on both components of cellulite formation. “The intense heat helps lymphatic drainage and causes collagen production, making the skin tighter. This makes the orange texture less noticeable, as it is much more visible on flabby skin than on firm skin.”

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My dear ones, I was thinking today; that exactly two years ago my cosmetics got a new meno❤️. I remember it like today, as I started to tell Vil the story of my creams; which started 15 years ago. I used them at first by myself, my family, my friends. Gradually, I started writing them on prescriptions from the pharmacy for my clients as well. It was 15 years ago and I called the creams Esthetic. Their recipe has a rare charm for me because it is a blend of the historical tradition of the knowledge of my teachers such as prof. Hegyi, Ing. Traubnerová and my great human role model Mrs. Eleonora Lukáčová, and the use of substances brought by the latest research, which I got to them at foreign educational events. We have never tried creams on animals but always on ourselves because I know I don’t want to offer anything that wouldn’t be good for me to anyone else. After several years, we have found that our creams enjoy a rare popularity. Foreign diplomats sent their successors to buy and send them creams after the mission was over, daughters bought creams for their mothers and girlfriends, wives for their husbands. The pharmacy could not keep up with production, so we had to find a laboratory to mix the creams “in bulk”. After 15 years, although we didn’t have a single flyer or poster, word of mouth spread the good word of mouth. Cosmetics are loved by the famous but also by the unknown:) Erika Yudini told me how people ask her what miracle she uses, that she doesn’t age at all. Suddenly we had thousands of satisfied clients. And it still hasn’t clicked for me:)))). That’s why I remember exactly that day two years ago when Vilo saw the twinkle in my eyes when I was telling him the secrets of production and he said” why don’t you call the cream by your name if you love it so much. And why don’t you offer it outside your clinic to people in Slovakia. And so the continuation of my story www.doktorkasandra.sk was born. Thank you to all those who inspired me 15 years ago and those who inspire me today. Your Sandra????

A post shared by Doctor Sandra (@doktorka_sandra) on

These foods have a minimum of calories and help with weight loss

1. Water
Not only does water contain no calories, but scientific studies confirm that if an adult drinks a glass of water, they will increase their energy burn and expenditure even when their body is at rest, by as much as 24 to 30 percent.

❤ Calories: 0
❤ Carbohydrates: 0
❤ Sugar: 0
❤ Water content: 100 %

2. Zeler
This vegetable lowers blood pressure, aids digestion and is great for weight loss

❤ Calories: 16 (1 cup)
❤ Carbohydrates: 3, 8 g (cup)
❤ Sugar: 2 g (cup)
❤ Water content: 95%

3. Cucumber salad
It is extremely rich in both vitamin K and antioxidants, which are powerful weapons against free radicals.

❤ Calories: 15 (1 cup)
❤ Carbohydrates: 2, 8 g (cup)
❤ Sugar: 2 g (cup)
❤ Water content: 96 %

4. Spinach
Spinach cares for the health of our eyes because it contains a high ratio of both zeaxanthin and lutein, which are important antioxidants important for both vision and the brain. They prevent retinal degeneration and cataract formation.

❤ Calories: 23 (1 cup)
❤ Carbohydrates: 1 g (cup)
❤ Sugar: 0.5 g (cup)
❤ Water content: 91 %

5. Asparagus
It significantly reduces blood pressure and the risk of heart attacks, and is a great prevention against heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

❤ Calories: 20 (1 cup)
❤ Carbohydrates: 5 g (cup)
❤ Sugar: 2.5 g (cup)
❤ Water content: 93 %

6. Zucchini
This vegetable can balance the thyroid gland, prevent diabetes, improve the digestive system, lower cholesterol and ensure proper insulin levels.

❤ Calories: 20 (1 cup)
❤ Carbohydrates: 4 g (cup)
❤ Sugar: 2 g (cup)
❤ Water content: 94 %

7. Bone broth
A strong broth from the bones helps to cure irritable bowel syndrome, helps the body fight intolerance to different types of food, supports the immune system and reduces the appearance of cellulite.

❤ Calories: 40 (1 cup)
❤ Carbohydrates: 0.6 g (cup)
❤ Sugar: 0.5 g (cup)

8. Brussels sprouts
It contains a high proportion of luteolin, which is an important antioxidant that protects the body against the growth of cancer cells, slows down inflammatory processes and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

❤ Calories: 28 (half a cup)
❤ Carbohydrates: 5.5 g (half a cup)
❤ Sugar: 1.4 g (half a cup)
❤ Proportion of water: 86 %

9. Broccoli
It is rich in luteolin, sulforaphane and indole 3 carbinol, which belong to the group of important antioxidants because they are good cancer preventatives. Broccoli also contains a high proportion of quercetin, which is a natural antihistamine that helps with low blood pressure problems.

❤ Calories: 30 (mug)
❤ Carbohydrates: 6 g (cup)
❤ Sugar: 1.5 g (cup)
❤ Water content: 89 %

10. Red pepper
It is an ally in the fight against anaemia, as it contains a high proportion of iron. Our body can absorb it faster and more efficiently from peppers because this vegetable also contains a lot of vitamin C.

❤ Calories: 30 (mug)
❤ Carbohydrates: 6 g (cup)
❤ Sugar: 3.5 g (cup)
❤ Water content: 92 %

11. Cauliflower
It contains a large amount of choline, which belongs to the group of B vitamins, is involved in DNA synthesis and strengthens cell walls.

❤ Calories: 25 (mug)
❤ Carbohydrates: 5.3 g (cup)
❤ Sugar: 2.4 g (cup)
❤ Water content: 92 %

12. Peas
Peas are considered to have a combination of the most potent antioxidants of all foods. It has the ability to slow down in the body the effects of HIV, it is even used in the long-term treatment of positive patients.

❤ Calories: 30 (mug)
❤ Carbohydrates: 7 g (cup)
❤ Sugar: 1 g (cup)
❤ Water content: 90%

13. The Onion
If you include it in your diet, you will boost your oral and dental health and reduce the risk of tooth decay. The antioxidants contained in these vegetables work as a prevention against asthma, cancer, diabetes and heart problems.

❤ Calories: 64 (mug)
❤ Carbohydrates: 14.9 g (cup)
❤ Sugar: 6.8 g (cup)
❤ Water content: 92 %

14. Fermented cucumbers
By eating cucumbers, you strengthen your digestion, protect your body from the influence of harmful free radicals and spleen cancer. Caution, as they also contain a high sodium ratio, it is advisable not to overdo it with consumption.

❤ Calories: 17 (mug)
❤ Carbohydrates: 3.7 g (cup)
❤ Sugar: 1.9 g (cup)
❤ Water content: 96 %

15. Carrot
Thanks to its high beta-carotene content, it strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems and cholesterol levels. It also strengthens eyesight and is a great prevention of various types of cancer.

❤ Calories: 52.5 (mug)
❤ Carbohydrates: 12.3 g (cup)
❤ Sugar: 6.1 g (cup)
❤ Water content: 88 %

16. Lemons
They are literally loaded with a high dose of vitamin C, which makes them a fruit that works as a great prevention against cancer, protects against gallstones or liver problems. At the same time, they strengthen immunity, a healthy heart, digestion, insulin balance and also refresh the breath.

❤ Calories: 21.6 (1 lemon )
❤ Carbohydrates: 11.6 g (1 lemon)
❤ Sugar: 1.5 g (1 lemon)
❤ Water content: 88 %

The full article can be found here

Dermatologist advises how to get rid of pigment spots, scars and dilated blood vessels

Pigment spots, wrinkles, acne scars or dilated blood vessels on the legs are a problem not only for women, but also for men. If you are wondering how to get rid of them, we are advised by doctor Alexandra Rozborilová. In addition to being an expert in laser medicine, she also holds the position of President of the Slovak Laser Therapy Society within the Slovak Medical Society. He will share with us the findings on laser medicine presented at the last AMWC World Congress in Monaco.

1. Where to start? Proper diagnosis Fortunately, we live in an age where modern medicine can work wonders when done correctly. We are each different, and therefore adequate diagnosis is important. The most modern clinics today use computer analysis, which can very accurately determine ways to eliminate imperfections.

Expert and doctor MUDr. Alexandra Rozborilová, PhD. advises: “We use a number of modalities that visibly help to eliminate skin imperfections with the right therapy – this is key. A very popular method is laser medicine, which in a short time painlessly and effectively eliminates imperfections such as pigment spots, dilated blood vessels or even scars.”

2. Say goodbye to the signs of ageing in the form of skin pigmentation Unsightly pigment spots are caused by the natural ageing of the skin, but excessive sun exposure and inadequate protection from UV rays contribute greatly to their formation. Just add to that a fast lifestyle, lack of hydration or stress and our skin will age by a few years. Dermatovenerologist Alexandra Rozborilova explains that “the removal of pigment spots with intense pulsed light is itself a state-of-the-art technique. It is a highly effective method that takes only a few minutes, is gentle and does not burn the skin.” Within a month of the procedure, the affected areas will fade and the depth, and intensity of the pigmentation will determine the number of recurrences.

These unaesthetic spots can also be caused by the use of hormonal contraceptives, during pregnancy, age or increased levels of the female sex hormone – estrogen. There may be several causes, each case is assessed individually with emphasis on individual needs, but the results can be seen in a short time.

3. Get rid of scars once and for all Whether we take care of our face regularly or are among the lucky ones who have been given less problematic skin, wrinkles and scars are not entirely unavoidable. The skin on the face is very delicate, sensitive and prone to imperfections. Through ageing, strain, facial expressions or lack of hydration, we naturally develop wrinkles. Of course, after surgical procedures, accidents or other problems, we may be left with unsightly scars on our body, but on our face, for example, we may be left with acne scars. Fortunately, we live in the 21st century. century, when it is possible to work with it successfully.

“The latest safe and highly effective CO2 Laser methods provide a solution for many of us. It can remove even old scars. The secret lies in a technique that penetrates 2-3 mm deep into the skin and stimulates the natural production of collagen, resulting in skin shrinkage, smoothing and restoring elasticity,” says Alexandra Rozborilová, an expert in aesthetic medicine and owner of the Esthetic Clinic.

Results after the procedure – removal of acne scars and wrinkles with CO2 laser. | Source: archive of MUDr. Alexandra Rozborilova, PhD. / Esthetic

The therapy itself takes about an hour and the result is visible after a week. The advantage is that with proper care, the effect lasts for several years. Of course, the most important thing is the correct determination of therapy, which takes place right at the initial diagnosis. There are several methods to effectively eliminate individual skin problems.

4. Extended coils will be a thing of the past Do you suffer from cracked and enlarged coils on your face, legs and body? This problem can be solved easily and painlessly. The ND YAG Laser is the most advanced aid in the fight against problematic coils, even vascular deposits.

The therapy takes place over a few minutes, when the laser light reaches below the surface of the skin, where it seals the blood vessels by acting on the blood dye, which then breaks down and disappears. In most cases, several repetitions of this procedure are recommended to achieve a better result, because in this case the effect of the laser is gradual.

The full interview with Dr. Alexandra Rozborilova can be found here.

Fight cellulite right at home. Stačí robiť obyčajné veci

Did you know that a regular cream can also help you fight orange peel? Lymph will be pleased with movement, but you don’t have to run to the gym. It is not worth relying on liposuction for cellulite. Genetics, hormones, lifestyle. What is behind the appearance of your cellulite is very individual. “On the positive side, however, even bad genetics can be influenced in this case by an excellent lifestyle. The reverse is also true. Improper diet, sedentary lifestyle, or the use of hormonal preparations can negatively affect even the best genetics,” begins the story of the scarecrow of many ladies dermatologist MUDr. Alexandra Rozborilová, PhD.

Massage with water

How to start the fight against cellulite? The ideal is to start from what you can influence. Start the day with alternate showers. “It causes dilation and immediate shrinkage of blood vessels, this is also true for lymphatic vessels. They have smooth muscles in their walls that they train this way,” explains the effectiveness of this simple procedure expert. “You can say that it is a kind of physical massage.” Always finish the shower with cold water. Massage can also help improve the condition of your skin. Again, it doesn’t need to be special, just apply the cream after your bath or shower. Simply put, you can say that with your hands you are positively influencing the subcutaneous tissue. You can also use gloves or sponges or finer brushes. Start your massage in the morning further from the heart, this also applies to a cold shower. So the first point can be the right ankle, then work your way up.  

The right cream

You don’t have to run to the store for special products to treat your skin. A classic body cream will also do you an excellent service when massaging. It will just go smoother. “I believe in the power of both creaming and massaging, but honestly, I don’t believe in penetrating substances into such a deep layer of skin through cream. It’s different when lipolytic solutions that dissolve fat, for example, are injected locally.” explains Dr. Alexandra Rozborilová. “The cream would have to contain carriers capable of penetrating to this depth, but these do not currently exist in reality. They can work as a placebo, it’s a psychological effect.” If body firming creams suit you in terms of consistency, scent, formulation, feel free to keep lotioning up with them.  

Take a walk

Don’t forget that the lymph needs a stimulus to flow. However, you don’t have to undergo a hard workout and you don’t need a gym either. According to the dermatologist, a brisk walk is especially good. “Attend to it daily. More suitable is hilly terrain, ideally in the countryside. It is a natural lymphatic drainage that cannot be replaced by any device. The more you walk, the better, but the minimum recommended 10,000 steps per day. Walking in combination with alternating showers can almost do wonders.” If you are willing and strong-willed, you can supplement walking with Pilates, calanetics or similar kind of exercise. Photo: Shutterstock

Watch out for the jeans

Don’t spoil the effect of regular exercise by wearing tight jeans too often. Even this favourite piece of clothing can contribute to the worsening of cellulite. They significantly restrict lymphatic drainage. “If the lymph stagnates, transient swelling occurs first. Gradually, however, it begins to thicken and, as it were, to ligature, the swelling becomes a permanent condition,” points out the dermatologist. Looser clothing is preferable, or at least try to regularly swap tight jeans for a skirt. The comfort is also reflected in the current tracksuit fashion. Photo: Shutterstock  

Fight from within

For cellulite there is nothing exceptional, stick to the principles of healthy eating that apply to the whole body. Try to reduce carbohydrate intake to a near minimum. In recent clinical trials, they come out as a fairly big enemy of the skin. And not only in terms of aging, but also cellulite. Especially in the first stages, an adjustment of the menu can significantly help in the fight against orange skin “If you know you have a genetic predisposition and notice the first signs, take drastic measures immediately. Adequate fluid intake, regular rational diet with plenty of fibre, vegetables, fruits, which positively affect the quality of the skin,” lists the expert. “For example, red fruit in particular causes collagen synthesis and, in turn, suppresses atrophy, thinning of the skin. You should minimize stress, smoking.” Perhaps the consequences on the body are not as visible as on the face, but the effects of negative influences add up. The skin becomes progressively thinner and so is unable to sufficiently withstand the pressure of the fat pads. Photo: Shutterstock

Stacking stop

For cellulite and firming the skin of the body, of course, professional treatments are also valid, they always need to be supported by a change in lifestyle. The lower the grade you come up with, the better the effect will be. They will also help ladies who have cellulite despite the fact that they are no strangers to a healthy lifestyle. Even these cases are not exceptional, the female hormones estrogens and genetics play the first fiddle. Currently, the most effective in the fight against orange skin are, for example, the so-called lipolytic injections. They use high molecular weight and slightly cross-linked hyaluronic acid. It promotes the formation of collagen fibers, has regenerative effects and, in addition, reduces the accumulation of fat. Injectable lipolysis tightens the skin and reduces cellulite. However, it should not be seen as a solution to obesity. Photo: Shutterstock

Don’t rely on liposuction

The combination of local intense radiofrequency combined with vacuum massage also has an effect. They combine the effects of heat and massage. Radiofrequency acts on fat cells with intense heat. Thanks to this, the metabolism in the cells will improve. At the same time, lipolysis occurs, i.e. the release of fat cells. As the tissue is over-massaged, it is easier for energy to penetrate it. Swelling is relieved and the skin is firmed. However, always take into account that there is no 100% solution. “It’s not even liposuction, because it addresses fat in a different, deeper area than the fat layer where cellulite originates. It’s best to choose a set of small, regular steps to maintain, rather than completely eliminate, the condition,” concludes dermatologist Alexandra Rozborilová. Photo: Shutterstock https://www.pluska.sk/izdravie/pre-zeny/zatocte-celulitidou-priamo-doma-staci-robit-obycajne-veci.html


There is a topic that is quite taboo within plastic surgery. It is an intimate sculpture. Intimate parts are among the most sensitive places on a woman’s body. That’s why women are often so demanding about their shape. It often happens that they are ashamed of these parts in front of their partner and feel that they are far from perfect. In that case, there are only two options. Either continue to be consumed by dissatisfaction, or go see a plastic surgeon.
“Plastic surgery has interfaces with many medical disciplines. It has much in common with general surgery, traumatology, dermatology and gynaecology. Surgical correction of the pubic region is one of the surgical procedures that follow gynaecological procedures,”
introduced us to the issue MUDr. Alexandra Rozborilova from the prestigious Aesthetic Clinic. As we have learned, patients’ requirements vary.

“The simplest procedure for pubic correction is the surgical removal of various moles, fibromas, and other so-called skin exophytes. Women often come to us to make sure that they do not leave unwanted traces such as scars, deformities or asymmetries after such surgery. The correction of the Venus hill is a bit more demanding in duration and scope. Some women suffer from excessive fat deposition, lipomatosis of this area, which is noticeable by the surroundings both in clothing and, for example, in swimwear. The beauty of Venus Hill is of high aesthetic value. Lipomatosis is usually treated with liposuction,”She added.

It is quite rare to have a request for a large labiaplasty, but even this is not unrealistic in our clinic. With increasing age, the labia majora can lose fat, shrink and take on an irregular shape. In this case, filling them with the patient’s own tissue or foreign material is considered. Such a procedure, especially if it involves filling with the patient’s own tissue, is more demanding and involves a recovery period of at least 1 week. Of course, sexual abstinence is also necessary. The most common operation is, according to MUDr. Rozboril’s correction of the labia minora.

“The objects are slim, hormonally active women. Cutting the small labia outwards without covering the large labia brings various inconveniences. First of all, the specific delicate tissue of the labia minora is very vulnerable and sensitive to mechanical irritation and drying. Women have to constantly take care of strict hygiene and grooming, as small microtraumas on the outer edge of the labia are a breeding ground for bacteria. Inflammation and swelling increase the volume of the labia even more and thus a vicious circle is created. Women with hypertrophic labia are also bothered by cultivating various hobbies like cycling , motorcycling, horse riding and the like. The operation is used to shrink and shape the labia minora. The operation is painless and performed mainly under local anaesthesia and sedation. It takes about 1 hour depending on the condition. Hospitalization is short-term. Recovery takes 1 week, sexual abstinence 3-4 weeks. Wounds are sutured mainly with absorbable sutures. Surgical scars are not visible after maturation and do not cause any problems.”

Every operation brings with it certain risks. How about intimate area surgery? “The risks of this operation are minimal. An experienced plastic surgeon will sculpt a naturally sized and naturally shaped labia. After surgery, we warn about the risk of secondary, postoperative bleeding, which is not dangerous, but may cause prolonged swelling of the lip. Treatment of operated labia is simple, we recommend a solution of burdock with Betadine solution and Betadine ointment. The scars after surgery are not visible after maturation and have no effect on the elasticity of the vaginal entrance. Sexual intercourse is possible one month after surgery,” assured us the founder of the successful and much sought-after Esthetic clinic.

As she revealed to us at the end, during her practice she has already encountered the reconstruction of a virgin blanket. “The hymen is an object that is assessed and possibly addressed by gynaecologists. This membrane of the double lining of the vaginal entrance can narrow or otherwise deform the vaginal entrance to such an extent that it makes it difficult, for example, to drain menstrual blood. It is normally removed in a physiological manner during coitus. Resistant blanca will be solved by a gynecologist. Reconstruction of the virgin moor is possible even if it is an eccentric request.”

Finally, we would like to add that every client has maximum discretion and since the operator is our MUDr. Katarína Simonová, it is all the easier to solve these problems with a woman surgeon.

For topky.sk: https://www.topky.sk/cl/13/1331178/Plastika–tam-dole-


Theory about hair

Hair is a keratinized product of the skin with typical structural, mechanical and chemical properties. In the center of the hair is the medulla, which may be continuous, discontinuous or absent. On the surface, the cuticle is formed by flat cells with free ends towards the distal end of the hair. The cells of the cuticle, together with the inner sheath, fix the hair in the follicle. We have about 100,000-150,000 follicles on our head. In children their density is 500 – 700 per cm2 , with age the density of follicles progressively decreases and in an adult it is about 250 – 350 hair follicles per cm2 . In old age, there is no further reduction in the number of follicles. During its lifetime, one hair follicle produces 20-30 hairs. Hair is dead material, yet it grows for several years. Hair grows on the basis of regeneration of the destroyed parts by starting from the preserved part. The follicular cycle is specific to each follicle and independent of other follicles. Hair follicles have a 12-hour mitotic activity, especially at night and during sleep. Only the hair of the chin and forearms have a rhythm through the day. Hair grows the most between the ages of 16 and 46, after which growth gradually declines.

Growth phases of hair

The different phases of hair growth are called anagen, catagen and telogen. For the hair replacement cycle in the capillitial area, the law called. “three”: a 3-year growth phase – anagen, a 3-week transition phase – catagen, a 3-month telogen – a phase during which the hair falls out to be immediately replaced by new hair. hair fall


Any disturbance of the hair related to its quality or quantity is immediately visible and for most people unpleasant. About 50 – 100 hairs fall out daily. If the hair loss is greater and lasts longer, the hair thins and the scalp becomes transparent.

Alopecia androgenetica

The most common type of hair fall is called. male pattern baldness – Alopecia androgenetica. Testosterone reaches the hair follicle cell, binds to the androgen receptor and forms an activated complex. The DNA content decreases. Gradually, the follicular matrix and dermal papilla are reduced and the follicle becomes progressively smaller. The miniaturized follicle produces increasingly thinner hair without medulla and pigment until the hair follicle gradually disappears. Alopecia androgenetica occurs equally in both men and women, with the difference that a woman will never develop complete baldness like a man. Androgenetic alopecia in men usually starts at the corners, later the implantation line (the place above the forehead where the hair begins to grow) moves backwards, gradually a bald spot forms on the vertex of the head, and finally a bald spot with hair remnants remains on the sides of the head, on the nape of the neck and above the ears in the shape of a horseshoe. There are 5 degrees of baldness with gradual loss of hair in the central area and on the vertex. Treatment can save what can be saved for types I – III, for type IV a surgical solution is appropriate and for type V we can only resign.  

hair loss in women


Hair fall in women

In women, the process of hair fall is different. The implant line does not change, but the hairline on the vertex is gradually thinned until finally the scalp shines through the hair, more or less. Since r. 1977 describes three grades of androgenetic alopecia in women. In the first stage, camouflage is still easy with a good hairstyle, in the third stage, the baldness can no longer be covered. Sometimes male pattern baldness can occur in men and, conversely, female pattern baldness can occur in women with corners and displacement of the implant line. Hair has a protective function, but it is also an expression of personality.

Hair diseases

Diseases of the hair and scalp are very common, and even if they do not threaten anyone’s overall health, they are unpleasant for the patient. The most common hair diseases are Alopecia androgenetica, Alopecia diffusa, Alopecia areata and Dermatitis seborrhoica, among the hair shaft anomalies are Trichorrhexis nodosa and Trichonodosis. Diagnosis of most hair diseases is not difficult, but treatment may not always be successful. Androgenetic type hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss worldwide. In men, it usually begins to appear at the end of the second decade of life, in women in the third decade. The fact is that at the age of 25, 25% of men experience a noticeable thinning of their hair, and at the age of 50, 50% of men experience a noticeable loss of hair. What are the treatment options? The vast majority of men have no problem coming to terms with the fact that they are going bald. Many others and many women are desperately seeking treatment options and resorting to many, often unwise solutions.

Alopecia diffusa

This is a hair fall in the extent of the entire capillitium. The hair thins gradually, or the thinning is dramatically fast. Very often it occurs after childbirth. It occurs because during pregnancy, female hormones do not allow the hair to go into the telogen phase, but the hair makes up for it 2 – 3 months after giving birth. Diffuse hair loss also occurs in some endocrinological diseases, both reduced and increased thyroid activity, poorly controlled diabetes. Diffuse alopecia occurs in nutritional and metabolic diseases, iron and zinc deficiency, after stress, when taking certain medications. It can occur in vegetarians as a chronic telogen effluvium in the absence of complete animal protein and is common in hypocaloric diets. However, diffuse hair loss also occurs in the course of some inflammatory diseases of the scalp. The diagnosis is confirmed by a trichogram. The treatment is clear if the provoking cause is revealed. In the event that the cause is not found, local stimulating preparations are used in the treatment, overall supportive therapy with combined preparations containing minerals and vitamins.

Alopecia areata

This is a very unpleasant form of hair fall. Uncorrected refractive error, focal infections, nonspecific immune and organ-specific autoimmune reactions may be the cause of the disease. There are 4 types of the disease : Type I – common type in 83% of patients. Start between 20. – 40. year of life, of which 6% go on to alopecia totalis. Type II. – atopic – occurs in 10% of patients. The disease begins in childhood, the evolution is prolonged and persists for several years. Isolated tufts of hair can be seen on the bearings. Up to 75% of cases progress to alopecia totalis. There is often a history of asthma, allergic rhinitis or atopic dermatitis. Type III. is in 4% of mostly young, adult patients, often also leads to alopecia totalis. In most patients, we find arterial hypertension in family members. Type IV. – combined – is in 3% of patients over 40 years of age. The main characteristic is the presence of some endocrinological disease. Alopecia areata can be in the form of isolated hairless deposits, often multiple. Their fusion results in alopecia totalis and if the hair falls out all over the body we speak of alopecia universalis. The skin on the bearings is always smooth, without pathological changes. In addition to the common form of alopecia areata, there is also a scar form – Alopecia areata atro phi cans – Pseudopelade Brocq. The skin on the affected foci is white-yellow, shiny, thinned, the mouths of the follicles are not visible. Isolated tufts of hair are a typical finding.

Dermatitis seborrhoica

It is another common disease of the hairy part of the head with the formation of imprecisely circumscribed erythematous foci with scaling. Sometimes only dandruff forms without changes to the skin. Unlike psoriasis deposits, dandruff is very easy to detach from the skin. The scaling is associated with the yeast-like microorganism Malassezia species. It is normally found on the skin of all humans, but in the right conditions it will multiply. The diagnosis certainly does not cause problems, but in more severe cases it can sometimes mimic psoriasis of the hairy part of the head. Dandruff is mostly just an aesthetic disorder, but in escalated cases we are already talking about a disease. They can make life very difficult for their wearer and are also unpleasant for their surroundings. Dandruff formation decreases with age.

Trichorrhexis nodosa

It is the most common form of hair dystrophy. It commonly occurs after various aggressive cosmetic procedures, when using hot curling irons and curlers for hair styling and as a result of so-called. “weathering” of the hair, which means damage to the hair shaft due to sun, heat, cold, wind, etc.


It is the formation of knots on the hair shaft. It can be one or more knots on the same hair, which are formed spontaneously, by the action of chemicals or by friction against the pad. The best cure for hair loss is to address the cause.

The most common causes provoking hair fall or hair loss

  • genetic predisposition
  • poor lifestyle and lifestyle management
  • disturbed hormonal levels
  • chemicals, chemotherapy, radiotherapy
  • taking certain medicines
  • some types of hidden inflammation
  • kidney, thyroid or skin disease

Types of hair loss


How is the initial trichological examination in our clinic? The initial trichological examination begins with an interview, where the doctor takes a thorough history of the origin and course of the patient’s hair loss problem. After the initial consultation, the doctor clinically examines the patient’s hair and becomes familiar with the findings. This is followed by a digital trichoscopy, which is carried out using a special camera connected to a computer, so that we are able to take pictures and store them for further inspection. The camera senses individual locations on the scalp and is able to capture the scalp, hair follicles and individual hairs at magnifications that cannot be seen with the naked eye (up to 120 times). It is this step that provides valuable information on the correct diagnosis, as we are able to observe the signs typical of the disease. Based on the findings of the initial consultation and the results of the digital trichoscopy, the trichologist will make a diagnosis and suggest the most appropriate treatment for the patient. The doctor summarizes his findings, opinions and recommendations for the patient in a detailed report. In case of need or suspicion of diseases that could be the cause of the patient’s hair problem, the doctor will still recommend additional examinations by various specialists or a general practitioner. How to prepare for the examination? Hair should not be dyed for at least 14 days prior to the examination and it is advisable not to wash the hair for 2-3 days prior to the examination. Following these recommendations will help us diagnose your problem. How much time should I book for the examination? As this is a complex examination, you need to book a sufficient amount of time. The standard examination takes about 40 minutes. Our aim is that all the patient’s questions are answered and that during this time the patient understands their disease and the mechanism responsible for hair loss. What are the treatment options for hair fall? The issue of hair loss is very broad, individual diseases differ from each other in the mechanism of occurrence and course. That is why we feel the need to bring more treatments to the table so that we are able to help as many patients as possible. We follow the latest recommended treatments and bring new and modern ways to deal with hair fall and how to improve hair quality. We offer patients:

What is the success rate of hair loss treatment?


The success rate of treatment depends largely on the specific diagnosis, but we have a very high success rate in patients who follow the established treatment plan and the first results are usually seen after 2-3 months of treatment.


Is it necessary to have an initial trichological examination with us before starting treatment if you have already seen another dermatologist?

The view of the patient and the diagnosis may vary from doctor to doctor, as the doctor approaches the patient based on his/her previous experience. The initial examination in our hair clinic is very important for us, because thanks to it we are able to establish the correct diagnosis and plan the treatment that will be the most suitable for the given disease.

  What does the report you get from the trichological examination look like?

Helping abandoned animals

Helping abandoned animals

We care not only about your beauty, but for 10 years we have been taking care of abandoned animals – we make a calendar for Animal Freedom. The money raised from the sales goes to buy vaccines for abandoned pets, so in those 10 years, that’s hundreds of vaccines and hundreds of pets we’ve helped. Thank you
