Hair transplantation: a revolutionary method for hairline restoration

Hair transplantation is a modern aesthetic procedure that brings new hope for people suffering from hair loss. This revolutionary method makes it possible to restore the hairline and regain full and thick hair. In this article, we will focus on the importance, procedure and benefits of hair transplantation for those dealing with the problem of hair loss.

What is a hair transplant and how does it work?

  • A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves moving hair follicles from one part of the body (usually the back of the head) to areas with hair loss.
  • These follicles are resistant to shedding and after transplantation, they grow and produce new hair in the targeted area.
  • There are two main techniques of hair transplantation: FUT (follicular unit transplantation) and FUE (single follicle extraction). Both methods are effective, but differ in the method of obtaining hair follicles.

Hair transplant procedure:

  • Consultation and evaluation: the doctor will evaluate the condition of the hairline and decide on the suitability of hair transplantation. Patient expectations are discussed and options and limitations are explained.
  • Hair follicle harvesting: depending on the technique chosen, either a surgical incision is made at the back of the head (FUT) or individual follicles are extracted using microinstruments (FUE).
  • Follicle transplantation: the doctor moves the harvested hair follicles to the areas with hair loss. It is important to observe the exact position and direction of the hair follicles for a natural look.

Benefits of hair transplantation:

  • Lasting results: transplanted hair is permanent and resistant to hair loss, which means you can enjoy full, thick hair once your hairline is restored

What is mesotherapy and how does it work?

Mesotherapy is one of the most popular and effective methods in the field of aesthetic dermatology. This revolutionary treatment, which uses gentle injections with a high concentration of active ingredients, has the ability to rejuvenate the skin, improve its texture and brighten the complexion. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the importance, procedure, and benefits of mesotherapy for your skin.

1. What is mesotherapy and how does it work?

  • Mesotherapy is a procedure that involves the application of gentle injections into the middle layer of the skin, known as the mesoderm.
  • These injections contain active substances such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the skin.
  • After application, the active ingredients act directly on the problem areas to stimulate skin regeneration and hydration.

2. Use of mesotherapy in aesthetic dermatology:

  • Skin rejuvenation: mesotherapy helps improve skin texture and tone, softens fine lines and wrinkles and gives the skin a youthful appearance.
  • Skin brightening and hydration: the active ingredients contained in mesotherapy help to increase the skin’s hydration and improve its natural radiance.
  • Treatment of scars and pigment spots: mesotherapy can be effective in treating superficial scars and pigment spots, achieving a more even and unified skin tone.
  • Hair loss reduction: mesotherapy is also used to treat hair loss, whereby active ingredients strengthen the hair follicles and promote new hair growth.

3. Benefits of mesotherapy

  • Minimal side effects: mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure and does not require a long recovery. Leads to rapid skin recovery with minimal skin reaction

Mezoterapia NCTF 135 HA

Basic information

  • circles under the eyes
  • skin hydration
  • blood circulation
  • improvement of skin tone
  • smoothing wrinkles

+49% skin brightening

-43% wrinkle depth

-59% pore size

Composition of mesotherapy

Mesotherapy NCTF 135 HA – its key ingredient is hyaluronic acid, which replaces the loss of natural endogenous hyaluronic acid in the skin. Its strong hydroscopic potential allows it to hold up to 30 times more water than its own volume. NCTF 135 HA is a revitalizing cocktail of 14 vitamins, 24 amino acids, 6 coenzymes, 5 nucleic acids, 4 minerals and 2 anti-oxidants.


  • eye area
  • around the mouth
  • face
  • cleavage

Mesotherapy is applied intradermally (into the skin) using a special nanosoft method that minimizes the painfulness of the entire procedure. Using a nanosoft needle, tiny “pimples” are created on the skin.

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    Interview with the founder of the aesthetic clinic

    Dermatologist and founder of the Esthetic Medicine Clinic, MUDr. Alexandra Rozborilová, PhD, talks about whether aesthetic medicine is only for the rich, what myths “plastic surgery” fights and how to maintain a youthful appearance in the long term.

    How to maintain a youthful appearance for as long as possible?

    Knowing the causes of ageing is important for maintaining youthfulness. According to recent research, ageing is caused by the “switching off” of longevity genes, which are responsible for activating survival mechanisms in adverse conditions. When threatened, these genes force the rest of the system to tighten up and conserve. In the prevention of aging, we can already stimulate the enzymes sitin, AMP kinase (AMPK) and the TOR protein complex by certain measures.

    So if we induce unfavourable conditions correctly – for example, by intermittent fasting, temperature extremes such as sauna or hardening, physical activity such as intensive speed training – we can act directly on the cause. However, let’s also talk about unfavourable factors such as smoking, overeating, carbohydrates, salt, alcohol, too much sunbathing or stress and working in front of the computer. There is much more, but we don’t know everything yet.

    Which myths do you debunk most often in the clinic?

    “I don’t want to have a duck’s beak” and “I don’t want it to change me” are regularly heard in our house. Both are perfectly understandable. Unfortunately, society usually judges and recognizes interventions done in an exaggerated way and then presented in public. In doing so, people undergo aesthetic procedures without their immediate surroundings knowing about it.

    However, some people have a need to present themselves with the procedures and therefore require that they be done in such a way that the intervention is visible at a glance. For example, it is also a common myth that liposuction will help an obese person. Not true.

    What aesthetic medicine services are most popular among Slovak women?

    Preventive procedures, botox, fillers, laser treatments. In the field of surgery, there is a great interest in eyelid surgery, classic breast surgery and in older age lifting.

    Which service is the most popular in the 28-35 age group?

    Botox, I think. It is a worldwide bestseller. The price/risk/effect ratio has not yet been surpassed by anything.

    How much time does Botox take compared to other procedures?

    As far as Botox is concerned, it is a procedure that can also be performed, for example, during a lunch break. For example, a cap procedure requires 7 days of withdrawal from public space, a facelift a minimum of 10.

    Are there procedures in aesthetic medicine that men are also interested in?

    Sure, it’s mainly about hair transplants.

    People reportedly lose facial expressions after facial surgery. Is it really so?

    Everything can be exaggerated. Even a procedure to remove a facial habit can be overdone in such a way that it suppresses the natural appearance. Any medicine can be a poison. It depends on the dose.

    What complications can occur during the healing process and how can they be avoided?

    You wouldn’t believe that even in this area we are seeing the application of fakes bought on the internet, applied by untrained people. Every procedure carries risks that can be minimized by maintaining sterility during the procedure, proper technique, use of certified materials and proper home treatment.

    They say that aesthetic medicine is expensive. Is it only for the rich?

    It’s certainly not for people who don’t have money. I assume they are dealing with other things than aesthetic medicine. The trend nowadays is to combine a number of smaller interventions that can be spread over a longer time frame. If something is neglected, even a full wallet won’t help. This is an idealistic notion.

    Source :


    Kto by nechcel vlasy ako z reklamy? Zdravé, husté a profesionálne upravené vyzerajú krásne, no koľkokrát by z tejto dokonalosti stačil len zlomok. Aj vy ste si už povzdychli, že by ste ich na hlave chceli aspoň o trochu viac? Človek s darom bujnej hrivy nad tým mávne rukou, no ten, ktorý každý deň v zrkadle vidí svoje JA bez dostatku vlasov, s odhalenými kútmi či vytŕčajúcimi ušami, o tom vie svoje. Pre mnohých je to trápenie, a pritom sa ho dá nadobro zbaviť! Alexandra Rozborilová z kliniky Esthetic hovorí o transplantácii vlasov. ( Nové vlasy, nový vzhľad „Tento druh transplantácie je moderným spôsobom, ako vyriešiť svoje dlhoročné trápenie s vlasmi, ktoré sa žiadnymi vodičkami ani krémami výrazne nezmení. Rieši problém s plešivosťou, rednutím vlasov a obočia, zakryje jazvy, ktoré mohli ostať po úraze a zbavili časť hlavy vlasov,“ vymenúva výhody moderného zákroku. „Vykonáva sa v lokálnej anestézii a s profesionálnym prístupom ide o minimálne invazívny a bezbolestný postup vštepovania nových vlasov. My na klinike používame postup mikro FUE, čo je maximálne presná metóda v uhle a hĺbke, pričom hlava zostáva bez jaziev.“ Je na samotnom človeku, aký výsledok od transplantácie vlasov ( očakáva. Môže ísť len o zahustenie, o tzv. transplantáciu de novo, ktorá rieši plešivosť, prípadne sa dajú vlasy vrátiť aj na miesta, kde už prirodzene rásť nedokázali, teda na miestach jaziev. Ako dopĺňa odborníčka na krásu: „Mužov zrejme poteší, že týmto spôsobom sa dá vylepšiť i vzhľad brady a ženy ocenia, že sa takto dá vrátiť krása obočiu. Výsledkom je – podobne ako pri transplantácii vlasov – ich obnova do prirodzeného tvaru a získaná hustota.“ Odborný prístup, zaručený výsledok
    „Podľa toho, aký je klientov cieľ, sa určuje počet potrebných vštepov, teda nových vlasov aplikovaných do kože hlavy,“ vysvetľuje postup odborného zákroku lekárka. „Samozrejme, vždy je najskôr konzultácia, až následne sa rozhoduje o samotnej operácii. Pacient by mal byť zakaždým upozornený aj na prípadné riziká, ktorými môžu byť bolesti, prípadne opuchy, takisto sa tvoria chrastičky. Naše skúsenosti však ukazujú, že pri dodržiavaní pokynov pred a po zákroku sú následky minimálne. Chrasty sa zahoja, implantované vštepy sa vo väčšine uchytia a rastú nové vlasy.“  
    Ako dodáva, je veľmi dôležité, aby transplantácia vlasov prebehla v odbornom zariadení s profesionálnym prístupom. „Ide o časovo náročnú operáciu, ktorá si vyžaduje zdravotnícku odbornosť, presnosť a kvalitu práce a tiež schopnosť reagovať, ak by došlo k nejakej komplikácii,“ upozorňuje lekárka Alexandra Rozborilová. „Ide nielen o krásu človeka, ale najmä o jeho zdravie, preto by na to mal myslieť. Pri transplantácii vlasov ani pri iných skášľovacích metódach sa neoplatí riskovať a podstupovať ich v necertifikovaných zariadeniach. Na toto upozorňujem zakaždým“ Odborne vykonaná transplantácia vlasov ( je tak možnosťou, ako sa nadobro zbaviť svojho trápenia a tiež nabrať potrebné sebavedomie. „Vonkajšia a vnútorná krása sú úzko prepojené,“ upozorňuje zo skúsenosti najznámejšia slovenská odborníčka na krásu.
    „Treba poznať všetky svoje možnosti a ak práve takýto zákrok dokáže človeku zmeniť život k lepšiemu, prečo nie. Zažila som už mnoho mužov i žien, ktorí s transplantovanými vlasmi nanovo ožili a práve o tom je estetická medicína.“