A thorny problem

Freckles are a serious psychological problem for someone, for another they are an advantage that gives him a sense of uniqueness. Actresses Táňa Pauhofová or Vica Kerekeš are beautiful and do not hide their freckles in any way. However, there are many people in internet discussion forums who literally hate their freckles and want to get rid of them at any cost. “I hate summer, the sun always brings out freckles on my face and I look like Pipi…,” writes an anonymous person.

Cosmetic problem or health risk? Freckles are medically a genetic disorder. They mainly affect people with lighter skin and light eyes, with red or brownish-red hair. They appear most often on the face, décolletage and back. These are unevenly demarcated patches that are formed by a cluster of pigment, called. melanin. A freckle is not a mole that could cause serious health risks, it is just a harmless buildup of pigment in the lower part of the skin. “As a problem, freckles are defined mainly from a cosmetic point of view. If we consider perfectly smooth, alabaster flawless skin to be perfection, freckles are a kind of imperfection on the skin. But in the same breath it must be said that absolute beauty and facial symmetry are relative indicators of what is or is not beautiful in a woman. In my opinion, if she’s really a red-headed, freckle-faced kind of girl, it’s much more important for her to get through puberty and search for herself until she discovers her own style. However, many clients insist on freckle removal even after the consultation that precedes any skin procedure,” explains MUDr. Alexandra Novotná, PhD. owner of the Bratislava Clinic Esthetic.

How to remove them The least invasive and simplest method is microdermabrasion. It is actually a mechanical peeling, in which the top layer of the skin is sanded with a diamond grinder. By abrading the top layer of the skin, the epidermis, the freckles will fade. However, it should be noted that this is also the least effective method. Chemical peeling is a method that must be used several times in succession for its effect to be satisfactory. However, the use of fruit acids and their mutations (beta-hydroxy acids, lipohydroxy acids and others) carries the risk of minor damage and subsequent healing of the skin. In the past, medium-depth phenolic peeling was a very effective method of removing freckles. However, it is not used nowadays due to the fact that it is toxic and not only the client but also the dermatologist has been exposed to its toxic effects on the kidneys and heart. “However, this method is not too forgotten elsewhere in the world and it happens that it is asked for by clients from abroad who have had a good experience with it. However, the risk far outweighs the resulting benefit. The most effective method is currently the use of polychromatic light (IPL or Intense Puls Light, i.e. pulsed light), which as if “picks up” melanocytes in the skin, while not damaging the surrounding skin at all,” says MUDr. Novotna. The use of IPL light is a procedure that absolutely does not disable a person from everyday life. Everything that happens is happening inside the skin, not on the skin. It leaves no scabs, no burns. The freckles turn red after the procedure and then darken even more. They are shed by peeling and absorption and eventually lost. This is an outpatient procedure that is comfortable for the patient. So if one is making a decision based on speed and minimal side effects, pulsed light is definitely the leader. The procedure is usually divided into several sessions to eliminate the risk of skin inflammation to a minimum. During the first sessions, the darkest and largest freckles are removed and then the skin is only refined.

Goodbye forever? The skin will remain freckle-free after the procedure, but only until we expose it to the sun again. “Melanocytes remain active in the skin, so I recommend using sunscreens with a high SPF to prevent freckles from reappearing. Moreover, people with freckles usually have very pale skin and do not belong in the sun at all. There is an increased risk of various, even precancerous (pre-cancerous) changes in the skin,” warns MUDr. Novotná

So if you really don’t like your freckles and want to prevent them, use a sunscreen during the summer. If they still appear and you want to get rid of them, wait until autumn when the sunlight is less intense. The sun does not favour skin treatments and could cause problems in the treated areas.

AUTHOR: clinic Esthetic

American bestseller Clarisonic

PRESS RELEASE, 27. April 2014

The Clarisonic Skin Cleansing System, which has been the life of America for several months, is finally available in Slovakia.

Clarisonic Skin Cleansing System is manufactured by Pacific Bioscience Labs, which recently became part of the world-renowned cosmetics giant L’Oréal. As an expert guarantor for the presentation of this device in Slovakia, the company has chosen an expert in aesthetic medicine and skin care, dermatologist MUDr. Alexandra Novotná, PhD, owner of the Clinic Esthetic.

“Our clinic is sought after by clients who have long-standing dermatological and acne problems, as we achieve very good results in its treatment. One of the reasons for this is that we have state-of-the-art equipment and methods at our disposal to help them. I am glad that we are the first in Slovakia to be able to offer our clients something more, this unique device for skin cleansing,” says MUDr. Novotna.

Clarisonic Skin Cleansing System is a series of skin cleansing devices. They come in several categories, with the Clarisonic PRO category being exclusively for use in the hands of professional skin care professionals in clinics and dermatology centres. “The basis of nice skin is its regular and high-quality cleansing. However, it is not always possible to cleanse the skin perfectly at home so as to remove impurities from even the deepest pores without irritating the skin. Therefore, it should be a matter of course that we have our skin professionally cleansed by experts several times a year,” explains MUDr. Novotná, PhD.

The figure shows the difference in the quality of skin cleansing with the Clarisonic device and conventional home cleansing.

The device was developed by a team of engineers and scientists in Seattle, Washington. It combines patented technology with revolutionary vision to bring a new approach to skin care. What makes the Clarisonic device unique is its sonic micro-massage technology. With 300 micro movements per second, the sonic brush cleanses the skin up to six times better than conventional cleansing by hand or with a cotton pad. After using the device, the skin is perfectly clean and, thanks to the action of the fine hairs in the brush, fresh and smooth without any irritation or dryness. The device can also be used on areas outside the face, on areas where there is thickened skin – elbows, knees, shoulders, thighs, etc.

The result of the Clarisonic PRO treatment is:

  • softer skin
  • in-depth dirt removal
  • less visible pores
  • no dry and reddened areas
  • better absorption of skin products

The use of the Clarisonic PRO is absolutely safe, it does not damage the elasticity of the skin, does not cause excessive sebum production, and does not irritate the skin.

Published: http://www.webnoviny.sk/zdravie/clanok/815736-americky-bestseller-clarisonic-na-klinike-esthetic/

Skin treatment with Restylane products is even more comfortable at the Esthetic Clinic

PRESS RELEASE, 11. April 2014

The Esthetic Clinic has responded to the growing demands of clients for comfort and, in line with the latest global trends, has provided them with the latest Restylane Skinboosters from Galderma for injectable skin treatment with Restylane products.

The syringes feature the new SmartClick™ dispensing system, which was introduced on 12. of the AMWC World Congress of Anti-Aging Medicine in Monaco 3. – 5. April 2014. Doctors from the Esthetic Clinic of Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine from Slovakia also participated in the congress.

Aesthetic medicine is constantly changing and evolving. Globally, demand for injectable treatment is increasing. “In our clinic, we are also experiencing an increased interest in facial modifications that are not large-scale and are not done to change the appearance. On the contrary, it’s the small interventions that make the face naturally pretty. They are almost unnoticeable to the surroundings, but they are very important for the client’s self-esteem and well-being,” explains the owner of the Esthetic Clinic, MUDr. Alexandra Novotná, PhD..

As demand grows, clinicians are demanding instruments that offer greater safety, precision and comfort in handling. The manufacturer of these syringes has therefore sought to ensure that all their requirements are rigorously met and the new syringe has been subjected to extensive testing and consultation among experts before being introduced into practice. Dr. Novotná was the only one from Slovakia in the international group of selected doctors. “The new syringes for the application of filling materials meet our exact requirements thanks to improved ergonomics. They increase the comfort of application for both the practitioner and the client as they have a unique built-in dosage controller. This allows the doctor to concentrate on the technique of application and does not need to monitor the dosage. The syringe adjusts the dosage itself with microdrop accuracy,” explains Dr Novotná.

Skin treatments using Restylane Skinboosters have long-lasting beneficial effects on the skin. Hyaluronic acid in Restylane products improves its elasticity, overall hydration, firmness, reduces roughness, removes fine lines and also imperfections caused by acne. Restylane products are among the most popular with clients and are celebrating 20 million successful applications these days.

Published: http://www.webnoviny.sk/zdravie/clanok/811746-osetrenie-pleti-este-komfortnejsie/

The most effective therapy for your skin thanks to modern technology

PRESS RELEASE, 6. March 2014

Modern technology is also helping significantly in dermatology and in the world of aesthetic medicine. In addition to the many cutting-edge devices used daily by the doctors, nurses and aestheticians at the Esthetic Clinic, this private medical facility also has state-of-the-art technology for perfect skin analysis.

Just as each of us is a unique being, our skin is also unique. What is effective for one may not work for others. Many people suffer from acne, enlarged pores, pigment spots or wrinkles, which they cannot get rid of in the long term. “We often meet clients who come to us literally desperate after they have tried many creams, ointments, peels and procedures to improve their skin condition and nothing has helped,” says MUDr. Alexandra Novotná, PhD. Owner of Clinic Esthetic in Bratislava.

The reason for this is improperly chosen therapy. But how to find the right and effective one?

At the Esthetic Clinic, they use a computerised skin analysis machine to diagnose the skin perfectly. Thanks to a special program, it detects from the facial photograph taken under UV light exactly where the problem areas are, where the skin is dehydrated, where it is weakened, where the acne-causing bacterial deposits are located, etc. “Thanks to the modern technology we use during the initial examination, it is possible to accurately determine the most effective treatment for the specific problem with which the client visits us,” explains MUDr. Novotná. “For example, the computer will show us exactly where pigment spots could develop due to sun exposure. Since we know about them before they appear thanks to special analysis, we can apply effective therapy or choose a cosmetic procedure to prevent them. Similarly with acne. With the help of the programme, we can detect bacterial deposits, which we can then treat with targeted therapy.” He adds.

The computerised skin analysis takes no more than ten minutes. The client comes to the clinic where their entire face is photographed under UV light. The photo is then taken by a computer, which, thanks to special software, analyses the skin comprehensively. The analysis reveals both real and potential problem areas, allowing the dermatologist to recommend the most effective therapy or a combination of several effective methods.

Any skin treatments are good to perform in the winter time. The sunlight is not so intense that it causes hyperpigmentation, i.e. dark spots, on the treated areas. If you have a problem that has been bothering you for a long time, take advantage of the offer of Clinica Esthetic, which until the end of March performs a computerized skin analysis for only 10 euros. Have a perfect diagnosis done early so that you can undergo any treatment before the summer.

Published: http://www.webnoviny.sk/zdravie/clanok/798571-pocitacova-analyza-pleti-na-klinike-esthetic/