I saw my colleagues on the stage without their heads, says Ľubomír Paulovič. Prečo šiel na plastiku?

Ľubomír Paulovič, a member of the Slovak National Theatre, ended up in the operating theatre a few days ago. He didn’t follow in the footsteps of some Slovak models, who are “beautifying” themselves from the melting pot. He had a quite prosaic reason for it. “It was out of necessity – for the sake of better vision. My upper eyelids were already covering more than half of my eyes. More and more I had to lift them with my eyebrow muscles to reach the entire visor. My forehead, eyes and sometimes even my head often hurt in the evening,” she tells PLUS 7 DAYS.
However, he has also been experiencing problems on the theatre stage for quite some time. “Now and then I’ve seen my partners on stage just from the chest down, as if I’m wearing a cap with a shield made of my own skin,” he smiles.

Fear and Little Sister Betka
He inherited his eyelids, as the artist calls them, from his grandparents and mother. However, as the years went by, his “formation” grew larger. Eyelid surgery was an acute solution. Paulovic makes no secret that he didn’t care before the intervention. “I’m not going to be macho. Of course I was scared, even though I’ve had four surgeries or scalpel appointments, and they were a bit more serious… Now I was relatively calm also thanks to the knowledge that I was under the scalpel in the hands of a great plastic surgeon Katka Simonova,” he explains. He wasn’t afraid of her misconduct, but of the post-operative pain. His fears left him immediately after the three-quarter-hour procedure, when he was escorted to the rest rooms by “the nice ladies in white.”
“I spent the whole night there under the supervision of nurse Betka and in the morning I drove home by car,” he says happily. In addition to this procedure, the actor also had some skin growths and lentigines removed, which was recommended by his dermatologist as a prevention of skin cancer.

Source:Plus 7 Days/Karol Bustin Jr., January 5, 2014
Link: http://www.pluska.sk/plus-7-dni/ludia/kolegov-javisku-som-videl-bez-hlav-vravi-lubomir-paulovic-preco-siel-plastiku.html

Skin treatment with Restylane products is even more comfortable at the Esthetic Clinic

The Esthetic Clinic has responded to the growing demands of clients for comfort and, in line with the latest global trends, has provided them with the latest Restylane Skinboosters from Galderma for injectable skin treatment with Restylane products.

The syringes feature the new SmartClick™ dispensing system, which was introduced on 12. of the AMWC World Congress of Anti-Aging Medicine in Monaco 3. – 5. April 2014. Doctors from the Esthetic Clinic of Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine from Slovakia also participated in the congress.
Aesthetic medicine is constantly changing and evolving. Globally, demand for injectable treatment is increasing. “In our clinic, we are also experiencing an increased interest in facial modifications that are not large-scale and are not done to change the appearance. On the contrary, it’s the small interventions that make the face naturally pretty. They are almost unnoticeable to the surroundings, but they are very important for the client’s self-esteem and well-being,” explains the owner of the Esthetic Clinic, MUDr. Alexandra Novotná, PhD..

As demand grows, clinicians are demanding instruments that offer greater safety, precision and comfort in handling. The manufacturer of these syringes has therefore sought to ensure that all their requirements are rigorously met and the new syringe has been subjected to extensive testing and consultation among experts before being introduced into practice. Dr. Novotná was the only one from Slovakia in the international group of selected doctors. “The new syringes for the application of filling materials meet our exact requirements thanks to improved ergonomics. They increase the comfort of application for both the practitioner and the client as they have a unique built-in dosage controller. This allows the doctor to concentrate on the technique of application and does not need to monitor the dosage. The syringe adjusts the dosage itself with microdrop accuracy,” explains Dr Novotná.

Skin treatments using Restylane Skinboosters have long-lasting beneficial effects on the skin. Hyaluronic acid in Restylane products improves its elasticity, overall hydration, firmness, reduces roughness, removes fine lines and also imperfections caused by acne. Restylane products are among the most popular with clients and are celebrating 20 million successful applications these days.

Hairs and tattoos, a problem that can be eliminated

Tattoo – how to get rid of it?
The dermatologist MUDr. Alexandra Novotná, PhD. “It’s a fairly common procedure, although unlike in Western countries where tattooing is more of an ‘out’ procedure, the tattoo era still persists here,” he points out. “It is an outpatient procedure, it is done with a very high quality laser and needs to be repeated two or three times. It depends on the intensity and colour of the tattoo,” says Novotná. “The laser pulses reach the tattoo pigment through the upper part of the skin, then it is shot and the pigment is then absorbed and expelled from the body through defence mechanisms and lymph,” explains the expert.

Does it hurt?
The procedure is minimally painful, no more so than the tattoo itself.

What can be removed?
Permanent eye makeup.

Get rid of hair by summer!
Before you hit the water, get your body ready for your swimsuit. Now is the time. If the skin is not yet tanned, dark hairs can easily be removed with a laser. The procedure is not painful. “The laser light seeks out the hair bulb, so the hair must be dark. Pale laser doesn’t catch. Hairs that are in the growth phase are removed and the removal is permanent. But to achieve this effect, the laser must seek out hairs that are in the germ cell multiplication phase. The number of such cases is approximately 30 percent, therefore the procedure needs to be repeated three or four times,” explains dermatologist MUDr. Alexandra Novotná, PhD..

Can you make it through the year?
It is because of the necessary repeat procedure that some clients postpone the procedure to the autumn or winter months. However, you can also start now, you will have two more sessions before the summer, and then you will have another treatment after the summer. The spacing of such interventions is individual, depending on what part of the body is involved. “It’s about four weeks for the face, eight weeks for the body and twelve weeks for the legs,” says Dr Novotná.

AUTHOR: clinic Esthetic, www.esthetic.sk

Oh the wrinkles… Prečo ich máme a vieme sa ich vôbec zbaviť?

Aging is a natural process that is unfortunately most visible on our skin. Ageing skin gradually weakens and falls, causing wrinkles, lines and furrows to form. The severity of these changes depends on genetic disposition, skin phototype and environmental factors.

In dermatology and aesthetic medicine, several degrees of “wrinkled” skin are distinguished:

Moderate degree – there are only a few wrinkles on the skin, which hardly need any make-up coverage at all.
Medium – the skin is pale to grey, contains premature lines and wrinkles, the correction of which requires a little make-up.
Advanced stage – the skin already has permanent wrinkles, the skin colour is grey with enlarged coils, pores and sun spots, the skin requires intensive make-up coverage.
Severe degree – means already the existence of deep wrinkles and furrows, a number of dilated blood vessels and pigmentations that can not be completely covered with make-up.

How are wrinkles formed?
The following factors are involved in the formation of wrinkles:

  • biological ageing
  • direct sunlight
  • movements of mimic muscles
  • Gravity
  • Injuries
  • surgical procedures
  • acne
  • other skin diseases with a tendency to scar (e.g. lupus)
  • smoking

Fine lines
Fine lines and wrinkles occur due to irregular thickening of the dermis and due to a decrease in the amount of water in the epidermis. Skin dehydration is mainly caused by direct exposure to sunlight, various environmental toxins and smoking.

Deeper lines or grooves are classified as dynamic or static. Dynamic lines appear during movement, i.e. at the time of facial muscle activity. Dynamic lines gradually turn into static lines and become visible on the skin even when the facial muscles are not moving. This is how, for example, the fan lines around the eyes are formed, which are caused by smiling and the activity of the eye muscles. Also, wrinkles on the forehead are the result of contraction of the forehead muscle and lifting of the eyebrows. The lines of anger between the eyebrows are again caused when we frown or are often thoughtful. Dynamic wrinkles often form around the lips as well.

As the skin ages, it loses its elasticity and elasticity and gradually decreases due to gravity. The skin is weakened by the reduction of fat cells in the subcutaneous tissue, loss of collagen and elastin fibres in the dermis with age.

The result:

  • Eyebrow ptosis (the forehead moves lower so that the eyebrows drop over the eyelids).
  • Eyelid ptosis (the upper eyelid droops over the eye, in some cases to the point of limiting vision).
  • Bagginess of the upper and lower eyelid.
  • Drooping lower eyelids, revealing reddened mucous membrane under the eye.
  • The lobes around the jaw.
  • Under the chin.
  • Stretched earlobes.
  • The tip of the nose falls off.
  • Upper lip sag.

What wrinkle treatments are available?

Today, modern medicine can ensure youthful-looking skin for much longer than age dictates. There are a number of creams, methods, treatments and surgical procedures that are really effective, but in many cases they need to be combined, repeated or used regularly. The cheapest and most effective way to protect your skin from premature ageing is to protect it from direct sunlight and avoid smoking, which includes passive smoking, i.e. being in a smoky area.

Another must is regular hydration. High-quality cosmetic products with a moisturising effect will improve the skin’s ability to retain water. It is necessary to choose those that do not cause allergies, do not irritate the skin, do not burn or cause acne after application.

Resurfacing is another effective tool that involves various techniques in which the upper layer of the epidermis is abraded using chemical or mechanical means. Its gradual exfoliation evens out pigmentation and improves skin texture. Helps remove fine lines and alleviate static furrows. These include superficial and medium depth chemical peels, dermabrasion and microdermabrasion, Neodymium : YAG laser, CO2 laser resurfacing, intense pulsed light and also hyaluronic acid implantation. “The clients who come to us are most concerned about wrinkles around the mouth, eyes and forehead. For dynamic lines, the application of botulinum toxin is the ideal solution. The toxin will cause paralysis of the muscles responsible for frown lines, crow’s feet around the eyes, and forehead wrinkles. We can also change the shape of the eyebrows and remove wrinkles around the lips,” says MUDr. Alexandra Novotná, owner of Clinic Esthetic.

Plastic surgery helps in cases where a greater volume of facial tissue needs to be reshaped and the structure of flabby muscles needs to be altered. A facelift, i.e. a total facelift or mid-face lift, removes excess skin and tightens the underlying muscles of the lower two-thirds of the face (face and neck). It can also flatten the skin on the forehead, lift the eyebrows, correct sagging eyelids, lift the droopy tip of the nose, remove excess skin and fat pads from the eyelids, and improve the appearance of a sagging neck.

AUTHOR: MUDr. Alexandra Novotná, dermatologist, owner of Esthetic Clinic