“Plastic surgery has interfaces with many medical disciplines. It has much in common with general surgery, traumatology, dermatology and gynaecology. Surgical correction of the pubic region is one of the surgical procedures that follow gynaecological procedures,”introduced us to the issue MUDr. Alexandra Rozborilova from the prestigious Aesthetic Clinic. As we have learned, patients’ requirements vary.
“The simplest procedure for pubic correction is the surgical removal of various moles, fibromas, and other so-called skin exophytes. Women often come to us to make sure that they do not leave unwanted traces such as scars, deformities or asymmetries after such surgery. The correction of the Venus hill is a bit more demanding in duration and scope. Some women suffer from excessive fat deposition, lipomatosis of this area, which is noticeable by the surroundings both in clothing and, for example, in swimwear. The beauty of Venus Hill is of high aesthetic value. Lipomatosis is usually treated with liposuction,”She added.
It is quite rare to have a request for a large labiaplasty, but even this is not unrealistic in our clinic. With increasing age, the labia majora can lose fat, shrink and take on an irregular shape. In this case, filling them with the patient’s own tissue or foreign material is considered. Such a procedure, especially if it involves filling with the patient’s own tissue, is more demanding and involves a recovery period of at least 1 week. Of course, sexual abstinence is also necessary.

“The objects are slim, hormonally active women. Cutting the small labia outwards without covering the large labia brings various inconveniences. First of all, the specific delicate tissue of the labia minora is very vulnerable and sensitive to mechanical irritation and drying. Women have to constantly take care of strict hygiene and grooming, as small microtraumas on the outer edge of the labia are a breeding ground for bacteria. Inflammation and swelling increase the volume of the labia even more and thus a vicious circle is created. Women with hypertrophic labia are also bothered by cultivating various hobbies like cycling , motorcycling, horse riding and the like. The operation is used to shrink and shape the labia minora. The operation is painless and performed mainly under local anaesthesia and sedation. It takes about 1 hour depending on the condition. Hospitalization is short-term. Recovery takes 1 week, sexual abstinence 3-4 weeks. Wounds are sutured mainly with absorbable sutures. Surgical scars are not visible after maturation and do not cause any problems.”
Every operation brings with it certain risks. How about intimate area surgery? “The risks of this operation are minimal. An experienced plastic surgeon will sculpt a naturally sized and naturally shaped labia. After surgery, we warn about the risk of secondary, postoperative bleeding, which is not dangerous, but may cause prolonged swelling of the lip. Treatment of operated labia is simple, we recommend a solution of burdock with Betadine solution and Betadine ointment. The scars after surgery are not visible after maturation and have no effect on the elasticity of the vaginal entrance. Sexual intercourse is possible one month after surgery,” assured us the founder of the successful and much sought-after Esthetic clinic.
As she revealed to us at the end, during her practice she has already encountered the reconstruction of a virgin blanket. “The hymen is an object that is assessed and possibly addressed by gynaecologists. This membrane of the double lining of the vaginal entrance can narrow or otherwise deform the vaginal entrance to such an extent that it makes it difficult, for example, to drain menstrual blood. It is normally removed in a physiological manner during coitus. Resistant blanca will be solved by a gynecologist. Reconstruction of the virgin moor is possible even if it is an eccentric request.”
Finally, we would like to add that every client has maximum discretion and since the operator is our MUDr. Katarína Simonová, it is all the easier to solve these problems with a woman surgeon.
For topky.sk: https://www.topky.sk/cl/13/1331178/Plastika–tam-dole-