Our team
MUDr. Alexandra Novotná Rozborilová, PhD.
Mgr. Sýkora Marek
clinic manager, head nurse
MUDr. Magdalina Kraynina
plastic surgeon
MUDr. Daniela Brezová
MUDr. Natália Lopatková
MUDr. Renáta Felediova
MUDr. Soňa Bohunská
MUDr. Katarína Simonová
MUDr. Kamila Hamarová
plastic surgeon
MUDr. Marek Nothart
MUDr. Nina Novotná
MUDr. Jana Balko
MUDr. Eliška Gregušová
MUDr. Alexandra Hamalová
MUDr. Karina Stognii
Mgr. Michaela Filipová
Bc. Mihaela Čobrda
Farghaly Lucia
Kveta Kopecká
Bc. Jana Karasová
Are you suffering from enlarged blood vessels on your face? What is behind their formation?
It may not just be genetics behind the problem of dilated coils. The factors that increase their occurrence will be explained by dermatologist Alexandra Rozborilová. Have you noticed that tiny red spots have started to appear on your face? This way, not only embarrassment, but also dilated blood vessels may be reported. They are most
Make yourself or a loved one happy
Make yourself or a loved one happy with a gift voucher for the Esthetic Clinic worth from 100 € to 3 000 €. Clinic of plastic surgery, aesthetic medicine and laser medicine in the centre of Bratislava with a twenty-year history. Buy a voucher
Confidence in beauty: at the Esthetic Clinic you will find the highest level of service
If you start to focus on some deficiency of yours, that’s the moment you should come. Eliminate what’s fixable and turn your attention to positive things, says Alexandra Rozborilova, director of the Esthetic Clinic. For 20 years, it has been offering solutions for beautiful and healthy skin at the highest level. The proof is the
Fractional CO2 laser wrinkle treatment
Get rid of wrinkles and renew your skin with fractional CO2 laser! This advanced technology stimulates collagen production, softens fine lines and deeper wrinkles, and improves skin texture. The result? More youthful, firmer and smoother skin. An excellent solution for those looking for an effective non-invasive rejuvenation method. Contact us for more information or a
How to moisturize your skin after summer?
Re-hydrate your skin and prepare it for the winter season! Exposure of the skin to the sun causing vitamin D synthesis is beneficial to our health, but exposure to UV rays, chlorine, sea water can have a negative impact on the skin, in the form of dehydration, pigment spots, acne and premature wrinkles, i.e. aging
President of the Laser Therapy Society warns, “It doesn’t pay to compromise when it comes to laser treatments!”
PRESS RELEASE, 4. November 2013 Today in medicine we encounter many procedures using different types of lasers. There is no one-size-fits-all for all health problems; the different types differ mainly in the intensity of the radiation. Laser is a great achievement of modern science and an excellent tool that can help patients with various problems.
Oh the wrinkles… Prečo ich máme a vieme sa ich vôbec zbaviť?
Aging is a natural process that is unfortunately most visible on our skin. Ageing skin gradually weakens and falls, causing wrinkles, lines and furrows to form. The severity of these changes depends on genetic disposition, skin phototype and environmental factors. In dermatology and aesthetic medicine, several degrees of “wrinkled” skin are distinguished: Moderate degree –
Summer has given your skin a hard time!
It’s time to treat her to care For most of us, it’s not easy to say goodbye to summer. We are just getting used to shorter and shorter days, cooler weather, less sunshine and the ever-present autumn depression. However, the sooner we realise the change of season, the sooner we accept it, adapt to it
Silicone breasts men like. Umelá krása ich už neodrádza
According to the latest STEM/MARK survey, nine out of ten men admit to looking at women’s cleavage in public. Men are attracted to charming breasts, which is why women want them to be as perfect as possible. Just what are those “perfect breasts”? There is probably no woman who is absolutely satisfied with her breasts.
We are most beautiful after thirty, but our beauty is in great danger
Do you know at what age a woman is most beautiful? Scientists have found that exactly when he turns 31. Birthday. At this age, she has already had a tumultuous youth, pubescent and post-pubescent experiments with her appearance, and usually has a fairly decent job, a steady income, and a steady partner. This relatively quiet
Draculotherapy | plasma therapy
We work with the best in plasma therapy. We use the finest aesthetic medicine techniques in our own blood plasma treatment. Wrinkle treatment with your own enriched plasma is a simple, effective method to smooth wrinkles and jump-start collagen production in sagging skin, but unless you use the highest quality medical devices on the market,
Don’t bother the neighbourhood with your sweat
All of us sweat. It is a natural phenomenon by which the body removes harmful substances from the body, regulates temperature or reacts to stress. Even if we feel that we are not sweating, normally at least half a litre of sweat evaporates from the body per day. In summer, we naturally sweat much more
The well-known doctor Sandra Novotná Rozborilová openly admitted: Cream does not smooth wrinkles!
Skin doctor Sandra Novotná Rozborilová named a new series of cosmetic products after herself because she prepared it for herself. There is always a lot of interest in such products, but she is honest with her patients and would never lie to them that her cream will smooth out wrinkles. There is no such thing.
Does supplementing with different substances through infusion make a difference to our health?
Certainly each of us has at some time in our lives taken various nutritional supplements or pharmaceuticals, which we have started to take for various purposes. Whether it’s boosting immunity, preventing disease, improving mental health, relieving pain, and so on. It is about influencing our health based on some of our subjective feelings and based
Intimate health is a topic that needs to be talked about
On a subject like health, we need to ask more and more questions, as we have in the past. Why take responsibility for your health into your own hands? What all goes into building a relationship with your own health? Why is prevention important? What is the role of self-education? It is not only with
What is botulinum toxin and how does it work?
Botulinum toxin, also known as botox, is a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. When injected locally into muscle tissue, it blocks the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, leading to a temporary weakening of muscle contractions in that area. This effect helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and gently reshapes the contours of
Hairs and tattoos, a problem that can be eliminated
Tattoo – how to get rid of it? The dermatologist MUDr. Alexandra Novotná, PhD. “It’s a fairly common procedure, although unlike in Western countries where tattooing is more of an ‘out’ procedure, the tattoo era still persists here,” he points out. “It is an outpatient procedure, it is done with a very high quality laser
Injectable lipolysis: an effective method to reduce fat folds
Injectable lipolysis is a popular aesthetic method that helps to reduce fat folds and shape the figure. This non-invasive procedure uses injections containing a substance to dissolve fat cells, thereby achieving a more defined and harmonious body appearance. In this article, we will focus on the importance, procedure and benefits of injectable lipolysis for those
Moles examination: an important step in the prevention of skin diseases
The examination of moles is an important part of the prevention of skin diseases, especially skin cancer. This diagnostic procedure allows specialists to identify potentially dangerous moles and prevent serious health problems. In this article, we will focus on the meaning, procedure and importance of mole examination for maintaining healthy skin. Why is a mole
Profacial: A revolutionary method for skin rejuvenation
Profacial is a modern aesthetic procedure that provides effective and visible skin rejuvenation. This method combines several elements, including cleansing, exfoliation, hydration and treatment of the skin with special active ingredients. In this article, we will focus on the importance, procedure, and benefits of Profacial for those who desire to improve the appearance and texture