Laser scar and stretch mark removal

50% discount on the second treatment
  • Effective wrinkle smoothing
  • Reduction of scars and stretch marks
  • Unification of skin tone and removal of hyperpigmentation
  • Improving skin texture and firmness
50% discount on the second treatment

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    List of procedures and examinations

    [select menu-zaktok include_blank wpml_dq_attr_2=""Bezplatná konzultácia" "Beautylizer" "Konzultácia estetická medicína" "Konzultácia plastická chirurgia" "Konzultácia dermatolovenerologická ambulancia" "Konzultácia pred transplantáciou vlasov (FUE)" "Vyšetrenie znamienok" "Trichologické vyšetrenie" "Odber krvi" "Aplikácia kyseliny hyalurónovej" "Aplikácia botulotoxínu" "Aplikácia tekutých nití" "Niťový lifting" "Mezoterapia" "Skinbooster" "Mezobotox" "Laser IPL (liečba akné, pigmentácii)" "Laser Clarity (odstránenie cievok, pigmentácií, depilácia)" "Laser FOX (liečba plesne na nechtoch)" "Laser CO2 (odstránenie znamienok, bradavíc, kondylómov, výrastkov)" "Frakčný laser" "VelaShape (odstránenie celulitídy)" "Odstránenie pigmentácii" "Odstránenie cievok" "Analýza pleti" "Aquafacial" "Profacial" "Aquaspectra" "Chemický peeling" "Antiakné ošetrenie" "Lymfodrenáž" "Rázová vlna" "Mikrodermabrázia" "Kozmetické ošetrenie" "Liečba LED svetlom" "Iné ošetrenie"]

    V Shape (VelaShape III) – cellulite treatment

    10. treatments worth 800 € / save 100 € / The latest method to get rid of cellulite.
    Body shaping and volume reduction. 10. treatments worth 800 € / Save 100 € Package of treatments valid for 1 year from purchase

    I want to order

      List of procedures and examinations

      [select menu-zaktok include_blank wpml_dq_attr_2=""Bezplatná konzultácia" "Beautylizer" "Konzultácia estetická medicína" "Konzultácia plastická chirurgia" "Konzultácia dermatolovenerologická ambulancia" "Konzultácia pred transplantáciou vlasov (FUE)" "Vyšetrenie znamienok" "Trichologické vyšetrenie" "Odber krvi" "Aplikácia kyseliny hyalurónovej" "Aplikácia botulotoxínu" "Aplikácia tekutých nití" "Niťový lifting" "Mezoterapia" "Skinbooster" "Mezobotox" "Laser IPL (liečba akné, pigmentácii)" "Laser Clarity (odstránenie cievok, pigmentácií, depilácia)" "Laser FOX (liečba plesne na nechtoch)" "Laser CO2 (odstránenie znamienok, bradavíc, kondylómov, výrastkov)" "Frakčný laser" "VelaShape (odstránenie celulitídy)" "Odstránenie pigmentácii" "Odstránenie cievok" "Analýza pleti" "Aquafacial" "Profacial" "Aquaspectra" "Chemický peeling" "Antiakné ošetrenie" "Lymfodrenáž" "Rázová vlna" "Mikrodermabrázia" "Kozmetické ošetrenie" "Liečba LED svetlom" "Iné ošetrenie"]

      PB serum – injection lipolysis – package of 3 treatments

      • Removal of excess fat in problem areas of the body
      • Elimination of cellulite
      • Treatment and prevention of fibrosis with fat accumulation
      • Reduction of scars
      • Reduction of double chin
      • Fluid retention in fibrotic processes, including swelling
      Package of 3 treatments. Original price 1200€, discount 150€. Current price 1050€

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        Special offer price for 5 treatments of buccal massage

        Are you afraid of invasive interventions on your face? Take advantage of the uniqueness of buccal massage and firm up your facial skin. The massage technique, which releases tension in the jaw, is often referred to as “natural lifting” for its lifting and shaping effect.

        • Firming of the nasolabial fold, jaw, and neck
        • Targeted at the lower part of the face, sagging skin/double chin
        • Promotes circulation and a complex of cytokines, slowing down skin aging
        • 40 minutes treatment
        Special offer price for 5 treatments: €250, normal price €350, save €100

        I want to make an appointment.


          • Stretch marks
          • Scars
          • Pigmentation
          • Fine wrinkles
          20% discount when purchasing the 3rd treatment

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            Micro-needle Radiofrequency Lifting with Venus

            • Wrinkles
            • Sagging skin
            • Scars
            • Skin texture
            • Enlarged pores
            Package of 3 treatments: 900€
            Price for one treatment: 400€
            You save 300€

            I want to make an appointment.

              Q-Switched Tattoo Removal

              Removal of unwanted tattoos and permanent makeup 20% discount when purchasing the 3rd treatment

              I want to make an appointment.