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    Kveta Kopecká Registered Nurse

    Smoothing wrinkles: aesthetic medicine helps women and men fulfil their dreams of eternal youth

    PRESS RELEASE, 15. January 2014

    The desire for beauty and eternal youth has accompanied mankind since time immemorial. In recent years, we can even speak of a kind of cult of youth. Everyone, regardless of whether it is a woman or a man, wants to look young, fresh and healthy. We want to delay the appearance of wrinkles, the most visible signs of ageing, as much as possible and once we have them, we want to get rid of them, preferably permanently.

    Aesthetic medicine is one of the fastest growing medical fields. New types of lasers, medical procedures, as well as nutritional supplements and medicines within the so-called. antiaging medicine, help us today to get a little closer to the dream of eternal youth.

    However, no one has yet invented a cure or method that would be equally effective for all. Even a woman in her 40s with a good genetic make-up and a good lifestyle can have smoother skin than a 25-year-old woman who may be showing signs of premature ageing due to an unhealthy lifestyle. “Something different suits everyone, each skin type requires individual care. In our clinic, we will recommend the method that is most suitable for the client and most ideal for his/her skin, after consultation with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. To achieve a better effect, we often combine several methods at the same time,” says MUDr. Alexandra Novotná, owner of Clinic Esthetic.

    Perhaps the most well-known non-invasive method for smoothing wrinkles is the application of botulinum toxin. The substance is injected with a fine needle into the muscles or subcutaneous tissue in the area to be treated, most commonly on the face and neck. The effect is based on blocking the movement of the muscles, thus preventing the formation of mimic wrinkles. Botulinum toxin can be combined with filler materials – such as hyaluronic acid – to prolong the smoothing effect. The simultaneous use of pulsed light and the Nd: Yag laser is also very effective, which in aesthetic dermatology is called outpatient facelift. Hyaluronic acid is also used in mesolift and revolift methods, where it is injected into the skin along with a cocktail of vitamins, sometimes with procaine, selenium and other substances. The method is suitable for improving the texture of the skin, which resembles a shrunken apple, is dry, dehydrated and wrinkled.

    “For the first wrinkles and also for grey, sagging skin as if lifeless, it is advisable to use a combination of pulsed light, radiofrequency and the so-called therapy. LED lamp, which has excellent therapeutic effects on acne and to improve skin tone. In the case of such a combination, if we affect several layers in the skin, we talk about the 3D photorejuvenation method,” explains MUDr. Novotna. An alternative to surgery, associated with anaesthesia and subsequent recovery, is also skin smoothing using ultrasound, i.e. the Ulthera method.

    A novelty in aesthetic dermatology is skin rejuvenation with the skin’s own cells. The cells’ own young forms reshape the worn-out skin tissue, restore its elasticity and rejuvenate it. Since they are cells that are inherent to the body, they have no problem to take hold and start growing very quickly. This regenerates and renews it. One of the forms of rejuvenation by own cells is the so-called. Dracula therapy, or treatment with enriched blood plasma. The antiaging effect of platelets-enriched plasma has been known in medicine for decades and has been used to regenerate tissue and improve healing.

    In some cases, it is also possible to smooth wrinkles with your own fat. So-called. Lipofilling is a simple outpatient procedure without the need for hospitalization. It uses the body’s own fat, taken with a fine cannula, which is injected into various locations on the face and body. The procedure can also be combined with liposuction, in which, in addition to getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat and shaping the figure, the patient’s own fat is used as an implant. “What the dermatologist is short on, he should leave to an experienced plastic surgeon,” warns Dr. Novotná, adding: “With obvious sagging and drooping skin on the cheeks or eyelids, there is no point in convincing the patient of the high efficacy of rejuvenating creams or the effect of photorejuvenation, which can only be complementary methods. Modern surgery can now be performed under local anaesthesia and often does not require hospitalisation. For example, in a thread lift, the surgeon doesn’t use a scalpel at all.”
    Ageing is a natural process that none of us can avoid. Today’s modern medicine, however, can minimize its manifestations on the skin and lend it a more youthful appearance for a longer period of time. However, in order for the skin to look really young and, above all, natural after the rejuvenation procedure, it is necessary to undergo it in a reputable clinic and to entrust it only to experienced professionals.
