Immediately after the procedure, the skin will be red, swollen and a slight burning sensation may appear, similar to the sensation after sunburn. This phase is a natural reaction to the laser damage to the skin, which stimulates regeneration and new cell formation. Cooling the skin and applying moisturizing or soothing products prescribed by the doctor is recommended to alleviate these symptoms.
2. 1. – 3. deň – Regenerácia vrchnej vrstvy kože:
The skin begins to darken and fine peeling may appear. This is a sign that old, damaged skin is gradually being replaced by new cells. It is important to avoid mechanical peeling of the skin and to follow recommendations for moisturizing and protecting the skin from UV rays.
3. 4. – 7. deň – Tvorba nového kolagénu:
During this phase, new collagen begins to form intensively in the deeper layers of the skin. The skin will still be sensitive, but its texture and firmness will begin to improve significantly. Visible improvements in wrinkles and skin texture will begin to be noticeable.
4. 2. – 4. týždeň – Prestavba pleti:
During this period, healing on the outside is almost completely finished, but the process of renewal in the deeper layers of the skin continues. Increasing collagen production leads to further smoothing of wrinkles and firming of the skin.
5. 3. – 6. mesiac – Konečný výsledok:
The full effect of the treatment will not become apparent until several months after the procedure. The skin is visibly smoother, more youthful and wrinkles are reduced. This long-lasting result is due to the continued production of collagen, which keeps the skin firmer and more elastic.