Did you know that a regular cream can also help you fight orange peel? Lymph will be pleased with movement, but you don’t have to run to the gym. It is not worth relying on liposuction for cellulite.
Genetics, hormones, lifestyle. What is behind the appearance of your cellulite is very individual. “On the positive side, however, even bad genetics can be influenced in this case by an excellent lifestyle. The reverse is also true. Improper diet, sedentary lifestyle, or the use of hormonal preparations can negatively affect even the best genetics,” begins the story of the scarecrow of many ladies dermatologist MUDr. Alexandra Rozborilová, PhD.
Massage with water
How to start the fight against cellulite? The ideal is to start from what you can influence. Start the day with alternate showers.
“It causes dilation and immediate shrinkage of blood vessels, this is also true for lymphatic vessels. They have smooth muscles in their walls that they train this way,” explains the effectiveness of this simple procedure expert.
“You can say that it is a kind of physical massage.” Always finish the shower with cold water. Massage can also help improve the condition of your skin. Again, it doesn’t need to be special, just apply the cream after your bath or shower. Simply put, you can say that with your hands you are positively influencing the subcutaneous tissue. You can also use gloves or sponges or finer brushes. Start your massage in the morning further from the heart, this also applies to a cold shower. So the first point can be the right ankle, then work your way up.
The right cream
You don’t have to run to the store for special products to treat your skin. A classic body cream will also do you an excellent service when massaging. It will just go smoother.
“I believe in the power of both creaming and massaging, but honestly, I don’t believe in penetrating substances into such a deep layer of skin through cream. It’s different when lipolytic solutions that dissolve fat, for example, are injected locally.” explains Dr. Alexandra Rozborilová.
“The cream would have to contain carriers capable of penetrating to this depth, but these do not currently exist in reality. They can work as a placebo, it’s a psychological effect.” If body firming creams suit you in terms of consistency, scent, formulation, feel free to keep lotioning up with them.
Take a walk
Don’t forget that the lymph needs a stimulus to flow. However, you don’t have to undergo a hard workout and you don’t need a gym either. According to the dermatologist, a brisk walk is especially good.
“Attend to it daily. More suitable is hilly terrain, ideally in the countryside. It is a natural lymphatic drainage that cannot be replaced by any device. The more you walk, the better, but the minimum recommended 10,000 steps per day. Walking in combination with alternating showers can almost do wonders.” If you are willing and strong-willed, you can supplement walking with Pilates, calanetics or similar
kind of exercise.
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Watch out for the jeans
Don’t spoil the effect of regular exercise by wearing tight jeans too often. Even this favourite piece of clothing can contribute to the worsening of cellulite. They significantly restrict lymphatic drainage.
“If the lymph stagnates, transient swelling occurs first. Gradually, however, it begins to thicken and, as it were, to ligature, the swelling becomes a permanent condition,” points out the dermatologist. Looser clothing is preferable, or at least try to regularly swap tight jeans for a skirt. The comfort is also reflected in the current tracksuit fashion.
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Fight from within
For cellulite there is nothing exceptional, stick to the principles of healthy eating that apply to the whole body. Try to reduce carbohydrate intake to a near minimum. In recent clinical trials, they come out as a fairly big enemy of the skin. And not only in terms of aging, but also cellulite. Especially in the first stages, an adjustment of the menu can significantly help in the fight against orange skin
“If you know you have a genetic predisposition and notice the first signs, take drastic measures immediately. Adequate fluid intake, regular rational diet with plenty of fibre, vegetables, fruits, which positively affect the quality of the skin,” lists the expert.
“For example, red fruit in particular causes collagen synthesis and, in turn, suppresses atrophy, thinning of the skin. You should minimize stress, smoking.” Perhaps the consequences on the body are not as visible as on the face, but the effects of negative influences add up. The skin becomes progressively thinner and so is unable to sufficiently withstand the pressure of the fat pads.
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Stacking stop
For cellulite and firming the skin of the body, of course, professional treatments are also valid, they always need to be supported by a change in lifestyle. The lower the grade you come up with, the better the effect will be. They will also help ladies who have cellulite despite the fact that they are no strangers to a healthy lifestyle. Even these cases are not exceptional, the female hormones estrogens and genetics play the first fiddle. Currently, the most effective in the fight against orange skin are, for example, the so-called lipolytic injections. They use high molecular weight and slightly cross-linked hyaluronic acid. It promotes the formation of collagen fibers, has regenerative effects and, in addition, reduces the accumulation of fat.
Injectable lipolysis tightens the skin and reduces cellulite. However, it should not be seen as a solution to obesity.
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Don’t rely on liposuction
The combination of local intense radiofrequency combined with vacuum massage also has an effect. They combine the effects of heat and massage. Radiofrequency acts on fat cells with intense heat. Thanks to this, the metabolism in the cells will improve. At the same time, lipolysis occurs, i.e. the release of fat cells. As the tissue is over-massaged, it is easier for energy to penetrate it. Swelling is relieved and the skin is firmed. However, always take into account that there is no 100% solution.
“It’s not even liposuction, because it addresses fat in a different, deeper area than the fat layer where cellulite originates. It’s best to choose a set of small, regular steps to maintain, rather than completely eliminate, the condition,” concludes dermatologist Alexandra Rozborilová.
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